First of all I have to thank you for all your suggestions and ideas. 

Our professor has limited our enthusiasm. He said, if we wanted to 
develop something for the XO there should be a group of a maximum 
of 5 ppl.
Now these 5 people decided to write a small email activity.

I'm sorry if I disappointed you now, I would have liked to help you 
with your ideas, because I see there is so much work to do at so 
many nice ideas.


Patrick Jahner schrieb:
> Hi there,
> We are a group of 15 collegians, studying 'Applied Computer Science' 
> at the University of Applied Sciences in Iserlohn (Germany) and we 
> are looking for a project for the OLPC within the scope of our 
> "Computer-Networks". Our professor (Prof. Martin Hühne) let us choose 
> our own topic, leading us directly to our first problem: What can 
> we do?
> We have to find a project fitting to this demand. We read the wiki 
> and realised, that most of our ideas we thought we could implement 
> are either finished software projects or simply not good enough to 
> keep on thinking about them, because they do not fit to the OLPC-
> ideas. The wiki pages for Project ideas are nice, but you do not 
> know exactly whether there is already someone working on one of the 
> projects, or not. The Pages for Current Projects are quite nice too,
> but there you do not know if the people working on it actually do 
> need help.
> That is why we post this little request to the readers of this 
> list.
> We are looking for either a project we can take part on, or a not-
> yet-implemented idea. It should not bee too big for us in order to 
> be finished within time; it should not be too small to have something 
> to do for 15 students. (Anyway, don't forget we need to sleep)
> It would be nice, but not all necessary if the project could involve 
> some of the networking technologies of the XO, I mean, the subject 
> is "Computer-Networks"
> Furthermore, there is a time limit: We will have to end the project 
> until end of June, whereas there will be the same subject for another 
> group of students after our free period, which will have the same,
> or a similar task. Probably, they will go on, on our project, if 
> its not finished.
> Our Knowledge Base: 
> We have good basic knowledge in C/C++, Java, some basic knowledge 
> in scripting languages (Perl, PHP and bash) and some of us have good 
> knowledge of Linux. A further subject called "Software-Engineering" 
> came along with us for one and a half year.
> We started reading and working in Python and GTK, and saw, we can 
> cope that.
> We are open for all your suggestions, you can email me directly if 
> you have a project we can take part on, but you could also just 
> here, if you have a good idea which of the project ideas we could 
> implement.
> Thank you in advance,
> Patrick
> P.S. Please forgive me my English skills
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