On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Chris Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Scott,
> From Robert Myers:
>   > S Page sent me this:
>   >> Browse 95 on 8.2-757 was working reasonably well for me.  Today I
>   >> ran Software update and now Browse version 96 won't start:
>   >> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_app_version'
>   >>
>   >> BTW, now the org.laptop.WebActivity log has a bunch of escape
>   >> sequences in it to colorize.  They work with `cat`, but vi and
>   >> less don't like them.
>   >>
>   >> I was running Browse during Software Update. I hope running an
>   >> activity while Software Update upgrades it is supported!
>   >>
>   >> I'm updating to 8.2-759...
>   > Which is what I saw in the log.

I saw this; I think it's more likely that the new version of Browse
requires the hulahop in build 758/759 in order to launch correctly.  I
haven't confirmed this yet (maybe erikos would know).
sugar-update-control just uses the standard Sugar upgrade/install
method on ActivityBundle; if that doesn't work it's a sugar bug.  I
can think of many reasons why it might fail; but it should really be
the sugar uninstall() call which fails if the activity is currently

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