Please join us (right now!) reviewing the latest OLPC/Sugar community projects over IRC Live Chat, 2PM EDT Boston Time Friday, right here right now :)

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* New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:

* Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring?!

* Fast Review of the 2 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
 join us advocating for and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

1. Ceibal Jam - Uruguay

  Requests 20 XO's over 12 months

  Project Objectives:
  This project aims to expand our Developers Program and increase
  the number of contributors. We plan to promote a paid internship
  program funded with donations and grants that will become available
  thanks to our new NGO status. This program is inspired by the Google
  Summer of Code program.

  The volunteer nature of the work makes our progress slow and
  despite our efforts we don't have the amount of contributors and
  finished activities we desire. We hope to get more things done with a
  paid internship program that could attract students. In Uruguay there
  is zero unemployment in the ICT sector and most university students
  can get a good job after their first year at school, then they get
  very busy with work and studies and are unable to contribute as we
  wish. This new batch of XOs would help us boost the internship program
  and hopefully increase the number of finished activities.

  Our measurable objectives are:
  - increase by ten the number of active projects by the end of
    the year (current number = 16)
  - increase by five the number of finished projects by April
    2010 (current number = 6)
  - complete at least five paid internships by April 2010

2. XO Laptops for Mayan children in Guatemala - Sponsor in West Florida/FL, USA

  Requests 2 XO's

  Project Objectives:
  We believe that the combined efforts of individuals and organizations can
  make great ideas a reality. The combined efforts of OLPC, Rotary,
Adopt-A-Village and Advanced Computer Systems can significantly change the lives of the Mayan children of NW Guatemala. Our objective is to deploy the
  XO laptops to one classroom at a time in selected Mayan villages of
Guatemala. The XO laptop will empower the young Mayan children to learn and
  have a better future.

  Additionally, our business and community contacts will allow us to excite
others about the OLPC concept. We anticipate obtaining additional donations
  for OLPC.

We anticipate a first deployment of twenty XO's to be scheduled for a trip
  to Guatemala in Feb. 2010. We request two XO's now for training and
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