Hey Martin! JD also hooked us up with Tom Nguyen, product  manager for
the Flash Player and here's what Tom said:

"Great to meet you. I actually recently graduated with an MA in
Education from Stanford, where I spent a bit of time focusing on
constructionist learning methods, so it's great to hear about Flash +

As JD mentioned, please feel to free to pass along questions you might
have, and I'll see if I can help or connect you to the right folks.
Thanks. --Tom"

Pretty cool, no? Forwarded to Ed & Reuben, waiting for replies. :)

JD was also asking for consolidated info that he could pass along to
the right people & I think the best thing for us to do is edit the
wiki pages (or create separate wiki pages) for the issues (like
installation, etc), suggestions & wishlists to get Flash & AIR
installing & running smoothly on the XOs both for Sugar and Fedora,
and then forward those to the Adobe folks.

I know that Flash has traditionally gotten Flak from the open source
community as not being good for the open web because the only
authoring tools were commercial products from Adobe, but now Adobe has
given open source tools for people to create SWFs and AIR apps via



> From my PoV, Flash is ok installation wise (hey! some optimisation for
> our gpu would be cool, as would finding a way to use xv on linux
> again), but AIR installer needs to be a plain rpm. The current .bin
> installer unpacks itself and builds an rpm on the fly -- this means
> you need to have rpm "dev" packages on the target image, that's
> problematic.
> Maybe forward to jd?

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
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