On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 7:51 PM, Jerry Vonau <jvo...@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> I would like to propose a feature for discussion and inclusion in the
>> 0.98 cycle is packaging all control-panel applets as rpms. As this
>> discussion does not impact the UI and more of a packaging issue I'm an
>> not creating a Features page. The discussion can take place here on the
>> mailing-list.
> This sounds like a good idea. Indeed, its not a sugar feature request,
> its more a packaging detail.
> Peter, what do you think about splitting the cpsection extensions (in
> /usr/share/sugar) into individual subpackages, to be selected by the
> Sugar Desktop group but not as direct dependencies of the Sugar
> packages? For F18+

Yes, I agree, I read this earlier and tagged it for follow up. It
certainly makes sense and allows us to package things up properly and
if it makes it easier for deployments I'm all for it. It would also
make it easier to swap out certain components too.

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