On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 05:34:35PM -0800, pe...@easthope.ca wrote:
> Hi, 
> 13.2.1 on a 1.5 here.  According to this, libc.so.6 is available.
> bash-4.2# yum whatprovides libc.so.6
> glibc-2.16-24.fc18.i686 : The GNU libc libraries
> Repo        : fedora
> Matched from:
> Provides    : libc.so.6
> glibc-2.16-34.fc18.i686 : The GNU libc libraries
> Repo        : updates
> Matched from:
> Provides    : libc.so.6
> glibc-2.16-34.fc18.i686 : The GNU libc libraries
> Repo        : @updates
> Matched from:
> Provides    : libc.so.6
> bash-4.2# yum install glibc-2.16-34.fc18.i686
> Package glibc-2.16-34.fc18.i686 already installed and latest version
> Nothing to do
> Nevertheless, no libc.so is found by find.
> bash-4.2# cd /
> bash-4.2# find . -type f -name 'libc.so*' -print 
> find: `./run/user/1000/gvfs': Permission denied
> find: File system loop detected; `./versions/run/14' is part of the same file 
> system loop as `.'.

You are doing it wrong, because libc.so.6 is a symbolic link, not a
file.  Instead use:

    # find / -name libc.so.6

> Nor by a locally installed program.
> [olpc@xo-53-1d-bb ~]$ aos
> Unix.Dlopen: loading library libc.so.6 failed
> What is happening?  Thanks,                   ... Peter E.

The program is looking in wrong place.

The program has a bug, or has not been properly configured.

Your post on
shows you have gone much further than this.

Your strace on 30th September shows it is looking in the wrong place:


But on 13.2.1 it might instead look in:


as per the file list

Perhaps you might try

    % export OBERON_DEBUG=7
    % aos

as per

Meanwhile, get it packaged for Fedora to alleviate future pain?

James Cameron
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  • libc.so.6 peter
    • Re: libc.so.6 James Cameron

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