- J1, J2: I found a direct data sheet link that works at least for now:

  Seems that pins 4 and 5 are swapped. In M1rc3, the were connected to
  each other so it didn't matter.

- C2, C6: Table 18 on page 33 of the WM9707 data sheet recommends
  C2 (their C20) = 10 uF and C6 (their C18) = 1 uF. We have C2 = 3.3 uF
  and C6 = 2.2 uF.

  While it seems that making C6 bigger is fine, I'd be less sure about
  C2. It appears that, at least at 0805, 10 uF is more common anyway.

  Also, C2 and C6 are drawn as polarized, which doesn't seem to be
  necessary. Or did you do this to make it easier to tell GND from
  non-GND pins on the PCB ?

- R1: a remnant from the previous codec chip ?

- Werner
IRC: #milkymist@Freenode

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