
this is old news if you follow IRC or Twitter, but it appears possible to crank up the framebuffer resolution to "full HD" 1920x1080 32bpp on M1 using milkymist-ng:
(The software drawing the bars and circles is the Antigrain Geometry Lite demonstration in C++ - so at least some of C++ is working on LM32. The text and menus are the monitor OSD.)

There are some issues that I have not investigated much, and which are why I call this feature "experimental": * it takes 6 ASMI slots and a fairly large pixel FIFO. Could be possible to optimize/reduce those resource requirements with some redesign. * with those parameters, ISE reports that the timing constraints are not met, even though it appears to work fine. * the VGA DAC on M1 is spec'd to 140MHz only, we need to overclock it to 148MHz here.


IRC: #milkymist@Freenode

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