
Are you launching the application from the dist folder (i.e. "mono
HelloFoundation") ?

If you are on a developer machine and you want to avoid lookup errors, you
can install the Monobjc libraries into the Mono's GAC; there is a script for
that in the distribution (GacInstall.sh). This way, you don't have to bother
with native libraries.

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2010/4/8 Javier Soques <jsoq...@gmail.com>

> Hi, I put the native libraries "libmonobjc*" in the "lib" folder under the
> folder where the program.cs as per document. Compiles fine. The problem is
> when I try to run the EXE in the "dist" folder. The "dist" folder contains
> the following:
> HelloFoundation.exe
> Monobjc.Cocoa.dll
> Monobjc.dll
> libmonobjc.1.dylib
> libmonobjc.2.dylib
> I try running with "mono HelloFoundation.exe" and I get the error.
> Thanks for any help.
> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Laurent Etiemble <
> laurent.etiem...@monobjc.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> For the point 1, you have spotted a typo in the listing !!! The generic
>> parameter was swalloded as a HTML tag, so it has disappeared. I have fixed
>> the listing to be correct.
>>  For the point 2, you need to copy the native libraries
>> "libmonobjc.1.dylib" and "libmonobjc.2.dylib" into the "lib" folder. The
>> screenshots are a bit out-of-date (so they don't appear), but the text is
>> accurate.
>> Regards, Laurent Etiemble.
>> 2010/4/6 Javier Soques <jsoq...@gmail.com>
>> Hello, I'm an experienced Windows .Net developer and have some experience
>>> with Mono in Linux. I'm just starting OS X development and I am trying out
>>> the console app in the tutorial (
>>> http://www.monobjc.net/index.php?page=console-application). The
>>> nant.build fails with the line where CastTo() is called:
>>> ***
>>> error CS0411: The type arguments for method
>>> `Monobjc.Id.CastTo<TInstance>()' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try
>>> specifying the type arguments explicitly
>>>       [csc] Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
>>> ***
>>> So I commented that line just to see if it compiles. It compiles but when
>>> I run the command 'mono HelloFoundation.exe' at the /dist folder I get
>>> library not found errors.
>>> ***
>>> ~/Projects/MonoObjc/HelloFoundation/dist jsoques$ mono H
>>> elloFoundation.exe
>>> Unhandled Exception: Monobjc.ObjectiveCException: The
>>> 'libmonobjc.1.dylib' library was not found. Please check that you have
>>> correctly installed it. ---> System.DllNotFoundException:
>>> @executable_path/libmonobjc.1.dylib
>>>   at (wrapper managed-to-native)
>>> Monobjc.Runtime.ObjectiveC10.NativeMethods:hook_thread_lifecycle ()
>>> ***
>>> The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is "."
>>> I'm running OS X 10.4.11 and Mono version 2.6.3
>>> I searched the support archives if anybody else had the same problem to
>>> no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Javier Soques
> --
> Javier Soques

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