
> ---------- Message transféré ----------
> From: Matt Emson <>
> To:
> Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 14:35:03 +0100
> Subject: Re: [] iPhone / iPad ?
> **
> Okay - here is the official line (having had this discussion with Miguel
> after the MonoTouch beta went gold and they announced the steep pricing that
> pretty much made it unworkable for me and many hobbyist coders) : No, not
> possible. This is for a few reasons:
> 1) Mono is licensed under many different OSS Licenses - but key parts of
> the runtime as LGPL. Basically, if you static link, you are required to get
> a commercial license.
> 2) Apple do not permit GPL code in the App Store.
> 3) To create iPhone apps, the mono runtime needs to be statically inked and
> the code needs to be AOT compiled to ARM native code. Therefore, you NEED a
> static bound runtime.
> When cornered, Miguel pretty much said - there is no way to legally do this
> without paying for a commercial license, and $399 was the cheapest that
> Novell had aver sold a single seat license to a developer.
> I looked at the alternatives, and they are slim. Portable.Net has even
> bigger restrictions and is very out of date now. The Microsoft
> implementations are either close, or fairly incomplete ( or not
> licensed for commercial use (the Community Source version of the compiler
> that they release a number of years ago and then updated for .Net 2.0).
> There's another option - someone created their own simple .Net runtime for
> embedded use, all free and perfectly able to work - but it has no UI kit and
> I only started to slowly look at embedding it before my dev account lapsed
> and I decided not to renew.  Google "DNA" or "DotNet Anywhere" for more
> info. I've ported it at least to an intel Mac and run on Windows, so it
> might work. The issues I had was lack of linking ability for iPhone. You'd
> need to incorporate the App kit in to the runtime to get it to function
> peoperly. I got as far as routing managed calls to native calls embedded in
> the actual exe runtime (it was a bit hacky, but it was working) so it might
> be possible...
> The other alternative would be to use the Mono compilers, but rewrite the
> runtime... DNA might work for that, or maybe at a push the Micro.Net...
> never looked at it from that angle, so can;t comment further,
> Matt
> On 21/07/2011 13:55, Laurent Etiemble wrote:
> Hello,
>  There are several points before running Monobjc on an iOS device:
> - Getting Mono to build and run on iOS (feasible with the right switches)
> - Getting the native part of Monobjc to build and run on iOS (one caveat is
> libFFI, but is seems that there is now a support for iOS devices)
> - Be able to link and shrink all the assemblies so the IL code is the
> smallest one (this is the hardest part)
> - Wrapping everything into an executable (this looks like the embedding
> done on the Mac), and link statically with Mono.
>  IMHO, the tooling part is the one that requires the heavy work. In
> addition, the last time I took a look, a license was needed to use the
> static linking of Mono.
>  Regards, Laurent Etiemble.
> 2011/7/18 Erik Touve <>
>>  I was wondering if it's possible to wrap the iOS SDK framework in
>> monoobjc.
>> Unity does an excellent job of mono on iOS.
>> I fully support Ximian / Novell / now Xamarin efforts.  I love the .NET
>> implementation.  But, I'm not willing for fork over $400 for in-house
>> application development - something I'm not ever going to sell through any
>> store.
>> In theory I suppose monobjc could do the same thing as MonoTouch.  I'm
>> certain there's a lot of work connecting all the dots... for example
>> specialized mono compilation.
>> Are there plans to do this eventually?  Can I do this myself?  Are there
>> crazy licensing issues?
>> -E

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