On Aug 10, 2005, at 6:48 AM, Gleb Natapov wrote:

If you give an environment variable name to --log-file-qualifier, it
will use the value of that environment variable in the output file
name.  Do we have a suitable environment variable which is globally
available for such a purpose? (in LAM, we had $LAMRANK, which was your
I use $OMPI_MCA_ns_nds_vpid for this. Is this good enough?

I knew about this one, but was wondering if we actually have anything that encompasses the entire cellid,jobid,vpid triple, and perhaps uses a nice short name (perhaps one that does not obey the prefix rule -- gasp!). So I'm guessing this doesn't exist, but would be convenient for exactly this purpose (valgrind's --log-file-qualifier).

Ralph -- got any opinions here?

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} The Open MPI Project
{+} http://www.open-mpi.org/

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