On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 06:53:05PM +0200, Christian Kauhaus wrote:
> Adrian Knoth <a...@drcomp.erfurt.thur.de>:
> >(I really prefer the v6-mapped-v4 solution with a single
> > socket, thus eliminating this problem)
> One little problem here is that it is possible to disable the
> IPv6-mapped IPv4 addresses at least under Linux and some BSD variants.
> For Linux, have a look at sys.net.ipv6.bindv6only.  Some authors even
> recommend to do so for security considerations (for example, Murphy &
> Malone in IPv6 Network Administration, O'Reilly 2005). 

More specifically, KAME derived (BSD) stacks disable them by default so
it might be best to assume it doesn't work since you'll probably have to
support that case anyway.  The other nice thing about a two socket model
it that it should be easier a network that is dual-stack and preparing
to transition to pure v6 to disable v4 in order to verify that v6 is
actually working and performing correctly.

-- Brooks
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