On Aug 13, 2007, at 9:33 AM, George Bosilca wrote:

On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:28 AM, Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:

Jeff Squyres wrote:
I guess reading the graph that Pasha sent is difficult; Pasha -- can
you send the actual numbers?

Ok here is the numbers on my machines:
0 bytes
mvapich with header caching: 1.56
mvapich without  header caching: 1.79
ompi 1.2: 1.59

So on zero bytes ompi not so bad. Also we can see that header caching
decrease the mvapich latency on 0.23

1 bytes
mvapich with header caching: 1.58
mvapich without  header caching: 1.83
ompi 1.2: 1.73

And here ompi make some latency jump.

In mvapich the header caching decrease the header size from 56bytes to
What is the header size (pml + btl) in ompi ?

The match header size is 16 bytes, so it looks like ours is already
optimized ...

Pasha -- Is your build of Open MPI built with --disable- heterogeneous? If not, our headers all grow slightly to support heterogeneous operations. For the heterogeneous case, a 1 byte message includes:

  16 bytes for the match header
  4 bytes for the Open IB header
  1 byte for the payload
  21 bytes total

If you are using eager RDMA, there's an extra 4 bytes for the RDMA length in the footer. Without heterogeneous support, 2 bytes get knocked off the size of the match header, so the whole thing will be 19 bytes (+ 4 for the eager RDMA footer).

There are also considerably more ifs in the code if heterogeneous is used, especially on x86 machines.


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