IMHO shortening the names now just delays dealing with the problem.

I see 2 possible approaches to a long-term fix:
1) add some machinery on the build system to complain when a filename would exceed 99 chars (before the file gets into svn).
2) probe at configure time for a $TAR command that produces the POSIX format

I favor #2


Aurélien Bouteiller wrote:
Ok, I'll change the filenames.


Le 24 janv. 08 à 15:43, Brian W. Barrett a écrit :

Automake forces v7 mode so that Solaris tar can untar the tarball, IIRC.


On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, Aurélien Bouteiller wrote:

According to posix, tar should not limit the file name length. Only
the v7 implementation of tar is limited to 99 characters. GNU tar has
never been limited in the number of characters file names can have.
You should check with tar --help that tar on your machine defaults to
format=gnu or format=posix. If it defaults to format=v7 I am curious
why. Are you using solaris ?


Le 24 janv. 08 à 15:18, Jeff Squyres a écrit :

I'm trying to replicate and getting a lot of these:

tar: openmpi-1.3a1r17212M/ompi/mca/pml/v/vprotocol/mca/vprotocol/
pessimist/vprotocol_pessimist_sender_based.c: file name is too long
(max 99); not dumped
tar: openmpi-1.3a1r17212M/ompi/mca/pml/v/vprotocol/mca/vprotocol/
pessimist/vprotocol_pessimist_component.c: file name is too long (max
99); not dumped

I'll bet that this is the real problem. GNU tar on linux defaults to 99 characters max, and the _component.c filename is 102, for example.

Can you shorten your names?


Paul H. Hargrove                
Future Technologies Group
HPC Research Department                   Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

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