On Apr 2, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Gleb Natapov wrote:
No, I think it would be fine to only send the output after
btl_openib_if_in|exclude is applied.  Perhaps we need an MCA param to
say "always send everything" in the case that someone applies a non-
homogeneous if_in|exclude set of values...?

When is carto stuff applied? Is that what you're really asking about?

There is no difference between carto and include/exclude.

You mean in terms of when they are applied?

I can specify
different openib_if_include values for different procs on the same host.

I know you *can*, but it is certainly uncommon. The common case is that it's the same for all procs on all hosts. I guess there's a few cases:

1. homogeneous include/exclude, no carto: send all in node info; no proc info 2. homogeneous include/exclude, carto is used: send all ports in node info; send index in proc info for which node info port index it will use 3. heterogeneous include/exclude, no cart: need user to tell us that this situation exists (e.g., use another MCA param), but then is same as #2
4. heterogeneous include/exclude, cart is used, same as #3


Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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