On Apr 3, 2008, at 9:18 AM, Gleb Natapov wrote:
I am talking about openib part of the modex. The "garbage" I am
referring to is this:

FWIW, on the openib-cpc2 branch, the base data that is sent in the modex is this:

    uint64_t subnet_id;
    /** LID of this port */
    uint16_t lid;
    /** APM LID for this port */
    uint16_t apm_lid;
    /** The MTU used by this port */
    uint8_t mtu;

lid is used by both the xoob and ibcm cpc's. We can skip packing the apm_lid if apm support is not used if you really want to. The MTU has been changed to the 8 bit enum value.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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