Taking steps towards Mercurial, we have setup a read-only Mercurial mirror of the official OMPI SVN repository:


Anything you commit to SVN should show up on the HG mirror within 30 minutes.

This mirror is currently *only* the /trunk, /tags, and /branches. It does not include /tmp, /tmp-public, /vendor, or any other top-level SVN directory.

The value of this mirror is that you can have distributed HG repositories within your organization and stay in sync with the OMPI SVN trunk (and tags, and branches). We're still working on a way for OMPI core members to publish their own HG trees. Ralph and a few others can publish their HG tree now because they were willing to be guinea pigs, but it's not setup for the general case yet -- give us a little more time to get that going. Since this is a read-only mirror, committing back to SVN is a manual process (e.g., make a patch from your HG tree, apply that patch to an SVN checkout, and then commit).


Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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