You are absolutely right, the peer should never be set to -1 on any of the PERUSE callbacks. I checked the code this morning and figure out what was the problem. We report the peer and the tag attached to a request before setting the right values (some code moved around). I submitted a patch and created a "move request" to have this correction as soon as possible on one of our stable releases. The move request can be followed using our TRAC system and the following link ( ). If you want to play with this change please update your Open MPI installation to a nightly build or a fresh checkout from the SVN with at least revision 20844 (a nightly including this change will be posted on our website tomorrow morning).


On Mar 23, 2009, at 13:23 , Samuel K. Gutierrez wrote:

Hi Kiril,

Appreciate the quick response.

Hi Samuel,

On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 18:18:54 -0600 (MDT)
 "Samuel K. Gutierrez" <> wrote:
Hi All,

I'm writing a simple profiling library which utilizes
PERUSE.  My callback

So am I :)

function counts communication events (see example code
below).  I noticed
that in OMPI v1.3 spec->peer is sometimes a negative
value (OMPI v1.2.6
did not exhibit this behavior).  I added some boundary
checks, but it
seems as if this is a bug?  I hope I'm not missing

It took me quite some time to reproduce the error - I also

Sorry about that - I should have provided more information.

got peer value "-1" for the Peruse peruse_comm_spec_t
struct. I only managed to reproduce this with
communication of a process with itself, which is an
unusual scenario. Anyway, for all the tests I did, the
error happened only when:

-a process communicates with itself
-the MPI receive call is made

That's interesting... Nice work!

The file ompi/mca/pml/ob1/pml_ob1_recvreq.c seems to be
the place where the above event is called with a wrong
value of the peer attribute.

I will let you know if I find something.

I will also take a look.

Best regards,

The peruse test provided in the OMPI v1.3 source
exhibits similar behavior:
mpirun -np 2 ./mpi_peruse | grep peer:-1

int callback(peruse_event_h event_h, MPI_Aint unique_id,
peruse_comm_spec_t *spec, void *param) {
  if (spec->peer == rank) {
      return MPI_SUCCESS;
  return MPI_SUCCESS;

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


Samuel K. Gutierrez
devel mailing list

Appreciate the help,

Samuel K. Gutierrez
devel mailing list

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