To be more complete, we pull Hg from ; are we mistaken ?

If not, the code in v1.3 seems to be different from the code in the trunk ...


On Thu, 28 May 2009, Nadia Derbey wrote:

On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 17:24 -0600, Ralph Castain wrote:
First, to answer Nadia's question: you will find that the init
function for the module is already called when it is selected - see
the code in orte/mca/base/notifier_base_select.c, lines 72-76 (in the

Strange? Our repository is a clone of the trunk?

It's true that if I "hg update" to v1.3 I see that the fix is there.


It would be a good idea to tie into the sos work to avoid conflicts
when it all gets merged back together, assuming that isn't a big
problem for you.

As for Jeff's suggestion: dealing with the performance hit problem is
why I suggested ORTE_NOTIFIER_VERBOSE, modeled after the
OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE model. The idea was to compile it in -only- when
the system is built for it - maybe using a --with-notifier-verbose
configuration option. Frankly, some organizations would happily pay a
small performance penalty for the benefits.

I would personally recommend that the notifier framework keep the
stats so things can be compact and self-contained. We still get
atomicity by allowing each framework/component/whatever specify the
threshold. Creating yet another system to do nothing more than track
error/warning frequencies to decide whether or not to notify seems

Perhaps worth a phone call to decide path forward?

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Jeff Squyres <>
        Nadia --

        Sorry I didn't get to jump in on the other thread earlier.

        We have made considerable changes to the notifier framework in
        a branch to better support "SOS" functionality:

        Cisco and Indiana U. have been working on this branch for a
        while.  A description of the SOS stuff is here:


        As for setting up an external web server with hg, don't bother
        -- just get an account at  They're free and
        allow you to host hg repositories there.  I've used bitbucket
        to collaborate on code before it hits OMPI's SVN trunk with
        both internal and external OMPI developers.

        We can certainly move the opal-sos repo to bitbucket (or
        branch again off opal-sos to bitbucket -- whatever makes more
        sense) to facilitate collaborating with you.

        Back on topic...

        I'd actually suggest a combination of what has been discussed
        in the other thread.  The notifier can be the mechanism that
        actually sends the output message, but it doesn't have to be
        the mechanism that tracks the stats and decides when to output
        a message.  That can be separate logic, and therefore be more
        fine-grained (and potentially even specific to the MPI layer).

        The Big Question will how to do this with zero performance
        impact when it is not being used. This has always been the
        difficult issue when trying to implement any kind of
        monitoring inside the core OMPI performance-sensitive paths.
         Even adding individual branches has met with resistance (in
        performance-critical code paths)...

        On May 26, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Nadia Derbey wrote:


                While having a look at the notifier framework under
                orte, I noticed that
                the way it is written, the init routine for the
                selected module cannot
                be called.

                Attached is a small patch that fixes this issue.



        Jeff Squyres
        Cisco Systems

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