Hi Leo,

If you want to get the profiling information, you can try Sun Studio
Performance Analyzer. You can download SS12.1 EA release -
here is a pointer to the web page:


Final version will be available soon, but EA should be good enough
to try :-) I suggest you to download EA as a tar file, extract it,
set PATH, and run the following commands:

$ collect  -M  OPENMPI  mpirun  -np  2  --  hello

Note: it is necessary to add "--" after mpirun arguments.
This command will create a "test.1.er" directory (experiment).
To view the experiment, run "analyzer" (Java GUI tool):

$ analyzer  test.1.er

If everything works properly you will see MPI Timeline and other tabs,
that show profiling information. Please, make sure you have java 1.5 or
newer in your PATH.


Leo P. wrote:
Also i was wondering whether gdb could be used with openMPI. I know about -d option in mpirun but i need to use gdb if its possible. I think i have done all the necessary things to enable profiling and debuging but i am missing something here.

Sorry guys i forgot i could debug shared library function in gdb. :) So currently using

$ mpirun -np 1 xterm -e gdb hello
to debug the openMPI source.
If only i could get the profiling information, it could help me a lot.

Leo :)
*From:* Leo P. <leo_7892...@yahoo.co.in>
*To:* Open MPI Developers <de...@open-mpi.org>
*Sent:* Monday, 15 June, 2009 12:36:34 AM
*Subject:* [OMPI devel] complete newbie question regarding --enable-mpi-profile option

Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to enabling profiling of openMPI code.

Earlier i also saw a thread [http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2008/04/5369.php] which talks about using --enable-mpi-profile option in configure which i have done. But i have not been able to get hold of profiling data. I tried installing vampir from https://computing.llnl.gov/code/vgv.html#installations but i am not been able to install.

So i wanted to know how people are profiling the core openMPI code.

I am a complete newbie and would appreciate any information.

Also i was wondering whether gdb could be used with openMPI. I know about -d option in mpirun but i need to use gdb if its possible. I think i have done all the necessary things to enable profiling and debuging but i am missing something here.

Currentl y i am configuring openMPI using following param
./configure -enable-debug --with-devel-headers --enable-trace --enable-mpi-profile --enable-mem-debug

Leo P.

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