Hi Everyone, 

I wanted to ask some questions about things I am having trouble understanding. 
        1. As far as my understanding of MPI_INIT function, I assumed MPI_INIT 
typically procedure resources required including the sockets. But now as I 
understand from the documentation that openMPI only allocated socket when the 
process has to send a message to a peer. If some one could let me where exactly 
in the code this is happening I would appreciate a lot. I guess this is 
happening in ORTE layer so I am spending time looking at it. But if some one 
could let me in which function this is happening it will help me a lot. 

        2. Also I think most of the MPI implementation embed source and 
destination address with the communication protocol. Am I right to assume 
openMPI does the same thing. Is this also happening in the ORTE layer.
Is there a documentation about this openMPI site? if there can someone please 
let me know the location of it.


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