On Jun 17, 2009, at 9:27 AM, Leo P. wrote:

I found openMPI community filled with co-operative and helpful people. And would like to thank them through this email [Nik, Eugene, Ralph, Mitchel and others].

Thanks!  We try.

Also I would like to suggest one or may be two things.

1. First of all i would like to suggest a different mailing list for students like me who wants to learn about openMPI. Since questions from someone like is going to be simpler than those of other professional developers. Maybe the students from the student mailing list can solve it. If not we can post in the developers mailing list. I think this will limit the email in the developers list.

I think we're ok with just users + devel. devel is meant to be for all level of developers -- newbie to experienced OMPI developer. It can make for a lot of traffic sometimes, but it's better if the experienced OMPI developers are here to answer complex questions rather than have incorrect answers floating around as absolute truth. Indeed, sometimes when I answer questions, I double check with some of other OMPI developers to ensure that my answer is correct (OMPI is a big code base; even I don't know all of it).

2. Secondly if the developer could volunteer to become mentors for student (particularly thesis student like m e :) ). I think they would benefit a lot.

As Eugene mentioned, I think we're an active community, but I don't think we're big enough to have a formal mentoring program. :-( I think the ad-hoc relationships are probably the best that we can do at the moment.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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