Sounds like a problem in PLPA - I'll have to defer to them. Our primary PLPA person is on vacation this week, so you might not hear back from him until later next week when he gets through his inbox mountain.

PLPA may have its own mailing list too - not really sure.

On Jul 15, 2009, at 10:24 PM, Chris Samuel wrote:

----- "Ralph Castain" <> wrote:

Looking at your command line, did you remember to set -mca
mpi_paffinity_alone 1?

Ahh, no, sorry, still feeling my way with this..

If not, we won't set affinity on the processes.

Now it fails immediately with:

 Setting processor affinity failed
 --> Returned "Invalid argument" (-11) instead of "Success" (0)

wrapped in a bunch of OpenMPI messages explaining that it
failed on start.

The strace looks much the same as before.

[csamuel@tango047 CPI]$ fgrep affinity cpi-trace.txt
10853 execve("/usr/local/openmpi/1.3.3-gcc/bin/mpiexec", ["mpiexec", "-mca", "mpi_paffinity_alone", "1", "-npernode", "4", "/home/csamuel/ Sources/Tests/CPI/"...], [/* 56 vars */]) = 0
10853 sched_getaffinity(0, 128,  { 3c }) = 8
10853 sched_setaffinity(0, 8,  { 0 })   = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
10854 sched_getaffinity(0, 128,  <unfinished ...>
10854 <... sched_getaffinity resumed>  { 3c }) = 8
10854 sched_setaffinity(0, 8,  { 0 } <unfinished ...>
10854 <... sched_setaffinity resumed> ) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
10857 sched_getaffinity(0, 128,  <unfinished ...>
10857 <... sched_getaffinity resumed>  { 3c }) = 8
10857 sched_setaffinity(0, 8,  { 0 } <unfinished ...>
10857 <... sched_setaffinity resumed> ) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
10856 sched_getaffinity(0, 128,  <unfinished ...>
10856 <... sched_getaffinity resumed>  { 3c }) = 8
10856 sched_setaffinity(0, 8,  { 0 } <unfinished ...>
10856 <... sched_setaffinity resumed> ) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
10855 sched_getaffinity(0, 128,  <unfinished ...>
10855 <... sched_getaffinity resumed>  { 3c }) = 8
10855 sched_setaffinity(0, 8,  { 0 } <unfinished ...>
10855 <... sched_setaffinity resumed> ) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
10857 sched_setaffinity(10857, 8,  { 8 } <unfinished ...>
10857 <... sched_setaffinity resumed> ) = 0
10856 sched_setaffinity(10856, 8,  { 4 } <unfinished ...>
10856 <... sched_setaffinity resumed> ) = 0
10854 sched_setaffinity(10854, 8,  { 1 } <unfinished ...>
10854 <... sched_setaffinity resumed> ) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)

Christopher Samuel - (03) 9925 4751 - Systems Manager
The Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing
P.O. Box 201, Carlton South, VIC 3053, Australia
VPAC is a not-for-profit Registered Research Agency
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