On Aug 21, 2009, at 07:33 , Ralph Castain wrote:

Hi Rich

On Aug 21, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Graham, Richard L. wrote:

I have several questions here - since process migration is an open research question,
and there is more than one way to address the issue -
- Is this being implemented as a component, so that other approaches can be used ?

Absolutely - we have several organizations involved, all with competing approaches

This become a recurrent statement, every time something smelly should be defended.

- If so, what sort of component interface is being considered ?

Still being determined. One reason for exposing the frameworks at this time is that much of the ongoing effort may occur in separate, hidden tmp branches for proprietary reasons. The eventual source code for those components may well never be committed, but the frameworks need to be in the system so that MCA will pickup the binary modules.

This is a wrong reason. We did multi-institution work in the past starting from a tmp branch. The only overhead is that somebody has to keep the copy in sync with the trunk, but this approach at least has the merit to keep our trunk [more or less] clean.

I deliberately left the frameworks "inactive" so that changes in the APIs can be done as the work progresses without impacting the OMPI community. The participants need to develop a little further before we fully understand what the APIs need to be - a little hard to openly discuss them without exposing potentially proprietary algos. The hope is that, as people develop their components, they can identify missing needs in the API so at least that much can be safely communicated and resolved.

- What is the impact (or expected impact) on the rest of the system ?

For anyone who doesn't explicitly build it and turn it on, nothing. For those who do, there will be no impact on MPI procs themselves as they won't load nor activate these frameworks. There will be an increased orted footprint and activity level, which could potentially reduce performance by stealing cycles from MPI procs - obviously, that depends on #procs vs cores and other factors.

If nobody knows how to do it, this _clearly_ should be a good enough reason to do the work in a temp branch before polluting the trunk.


I'm speaking solely of the RTE impact and issues here, of course - Josh would have to address the MPI perspective.



On 8/20/09 6:57 PM, "Ralph Castain" <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:

Hmmm...I'm afraid I cannot entirely substantiate your concerns.
Everything compiles just fine for me under both Linux and OSX. True,
the files are not completely instantiated on the trunk at this time,
but they also are not activated on the trunk for precisely that reason.

Can you provide an example of where something isn't building? I can't
find it on any platform available to me.


On Aug 20, 2009, at 4:32 PM, George Bosilca wrote:


I'm a little bit concerned about the commits stated below as their
quality doesn't match the usual quality standards of the trunk.
There are several issues: mostly empty files, names coming from
other frameworks, failure to compile on several platforms (including
Linux and MAC OS X). I'm more than happy to see research code in the
trunk, and I will be really interested to see the proof that
preemptive migration works. However, the quality of the trunk should
not suffer.

Moreover, we have mercurial and svn temporary repositories for such
kind of work. And we did force people in the past to work on
temporary branches before such large commits on the trunk.

Please reconsider your patches.



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