Hi all,

I'm trying to implement a method to pause all BTL's sending packets to their destinations.

Currently I added a state variable to orte_process_info which will be changed with an external program through process_commands() in orte/orted/orted_comm.c (I hope it's processed globaly not locally). While this state is changed to something defined as PAUSE, I want the send_methods in PML-Layer to be halted omitting any network traffic. By now it's not working, cause the PML-Layer does not see the state change.

Another way would be to use a libevent thread on the bml/pml-level. I've read that this library is already supported/implemented, or am I wrong? How would I use libevent in this context? Does somebody have an example or hint? Or should I use the fault tolerance framework for this purpose?

Any help would be appreciated. thanks

Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing - PC2
University of Paderborn - Germany

Christoph Konersmann <c...@upb.de>

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