On Sun, 10 Jan 2010 03:55:33 am Eugene Loh wrote:

> The default (I think this means Linux, whether with gcc, gfortran, Sun f90,
> etc.) is to use mmap to malloc large allocations.

This was brought in by glibc version 2.3:


It has the side effect of making the behaviour of malloc() in response to 
resource limits dependent on the size of the allocation being made. For 
example RLIMIT_DATA (maximum size of a processes data segment) will only be 
enforced for small allocations that don't trigger the use of mmap().

Had great fun with that trying to track down why the mem property of Torque 
PBS jobs wasn't being enforced all the time.

 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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