On 02/05/10 06:49, Ashley Pittman wrote:

> I think you should look into this a little deeper, it
> certainly used to be the case on Linux that setting
> IPC_RMID would also prevent any further processes from
> attaching to the segment.

That certainly appears to be the case in the current master
of the kernel, IPC_PRIVATE is set on the segment with the

                 /* Do not find it any more */

That flag means that ipcget() - used by sys_shmget() -
take a different code path and now call ipcget_new()
rather than ipcget_public().

  Christopher Samuel - Senior Systems Administrator
  VLSCI - Victorian Life Sciences Computational Initiative
  Email: sam...@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545

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