Thanks Sylvain!

Samuel K. Gutierrez
Los Alamos National Laboratory

On Jun 9, 2010, at 9:58 AM, Sylvain Jeaugey wrote:

As stated at the conf call, I did some performance testing on a 32 cores node.

So, here is graph showing 500 timings of an allreduce operation (repeated 15,000 times for good timing) with sysv, mmap on /dev/shm and mmap on /tmp.

What is shows :
- sysv has the better performance ;
- having the mmap file in /dev/shm is very close to sysv. We only have +0.1 us for a complete allreduce operation, but it seems stable. The noise is identical to sysv (must be OS noise) ; - having the mmap file in /tmp (ext3) decreases performance (+0.4 us compared to /dev/shm) and seems prone to some "other" noise.

Warning : the graph does not start at 0.


On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Samuel K. Gutierrez wrote:


With Jeff and Ralph's help, I have completed a System V shared memory component for Open MPI. I have conducted some preliminary tests on our systems, but would like to get test results from a broader audience.

As it stands, mmap is the defaul, but System V shared memory can be activated using: -mca mpi_common_sm sysv


Input is greatly appreciated!

Samuel K. Gutierrez
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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