On Jun 11, 2010, at 5:43 AM, Paul H. Hargrove wrote:

> > Interesting. Do you think this behavior of the linux kernel would
> > change if the file was unlink()ed after attach ?
> As Jeff pointed out, the file IS unlinked by Open MPI, presumably to
> ensure it is not left behind in case of abnormal termination.

I have to admit that I lied.  :-(

Sam and I were talking on the phone yesterday about the shm_open() stuff and to 
my chagrin, I discovered that the mmap'ed files are *not* unlinked in OMPI 
until MPI_FINALIZE.  I'm not actually sure why; I could have sworn that we 
unlinked them after everyone mmap'ed them...

Regardless, Sam and I made good progress on the shm_open() stuff yesterday.  We 
should have something for Sylvain to test soon.  I believe that Sam is looking 
for the right place to put the shm_unlink() step so that we *don't* leave it 
around like we do with the mmap files.  I have a few more steps to do to add in 
the right silent-failover stuff, but we'll probably have something for Sylvain 
to test soon (final polish may be delayed a little because I'm on travel to the 
MPI Forum next week).

Jeff Squyres
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