Looks like the lifeline is still pointing to its old daemon instead of being 
updated to the new one. Look in orte/mca/routed/cm/routed_cm.c - should be 
something in there that updates the lifeline during restart of a checkpoint.

On Apr 6, 2011, at 7:50 AM, Hugo Meyer wrote:

> Hi all.
> I corrected the error with the port. The mistake was because he tried to 
> start theprocess back and the ports are static, the process was taking a port 
> where an app was already running.
> Initially, the process was running on [[65478,0],1] and then it moves to 
> [[65478,0],2].
> So now i get the socket binded, but i'm getting a communication failure in 
> [[65478,0],1]. I'm sending as an atachment my debug output (there are some 
> things in spanish, but there still are the open-mpi default debug output), 
> where you can see the moment where i kill the process running con clus5 to 
> the moment where it is restored in clus3. And then i get a TERMINATED WITHOUT 
> SYNC in the proc restarted:
> clus3:21615] [[65478,0],2] errmgr:orted got state TERMINATED WITHOUT SYNC for 
> proc [[65478,1],1] pid 21705
> Here i put the output of my stdout after the socket is binded again when the 
> process restarts.
> [1,1]<stdout>:SOCKET BINDED 
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:19425] App) notify_response: Waiting for final handshake.
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:19425] App) update_status: Update checkpoint status (13, 
> /tmp/radic/1) for [[65478,1],1]
> [1,0]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,0]<stdout>:FINALIZEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,0]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST
> [1,3]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,2]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,3]<stdout>:FINALIZEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,3]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST
> [1,2]<stdout>:FINALIZEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,2]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:19425] [[65478,1],1] errmgr:app: job [65478,0] reported 
> state COMMUNICATION FAILURE for proc [[65478,0],1] state COMMUNICATION 
> FAILURE exit_code 1
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:19425] [[65478,1],1] routed:cm: Connection to lifeline 
> [[65478,0],1] lost
> [1,1]<stdout>:[[65478,1],1] assigned port 31256
> Any help on how to solve this error, or how to interpret it will be greatly 
> appreciated.
> Best regards.
> Hugo
> 2011/4/5 Hugo Meyer <meyer.h...@gmail.com>
> Hello Ralph and @ll.
> Ralph, by following your recomendations i've already restart the process in 
> another node from his checkpoint. But now i'm having a small problem with the 
> oob_tcp. There is the output:
> odls_base_default_fns:SETEANDO BLCR CONTEXT
> CKPT-FILE: /tmp/radic/1/ompi_blcr_context.13374
> [1,1]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST (2)
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:13374] snapc:single:app do_checkpoint: RESTART (3)
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:13374] mca_oob_tcp_init: creating listen socket
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:13374] mca_oob_tcp_init: unable to create IPv4 listen 
> socket: Unable to open a TCP socket for out-of-band communications
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:13374] App) notify_response: Waiting for final handshake.
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:13374] App) update_status: Update checkpoint status (13, 
> /tmp/radic/1) for [[34224,1],1]
> [1,0]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,0]<stdout>:FINALIZEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,0]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST
> [1,3]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,3]<stdout>:FINALIZEI O BROADCAST (6)
> [1,3]<stdout>:INICIEI O BROADCAST
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:13374] [[34224,1],1] errmgr:app: job [34224,0] reported 
> state COMMUNICATION FAILURE for proc [[34224,0],1] state COMMUNICATION 
> FAILURE exit_code 1
> [1,1]<stdout>:[clus5:13374] [[34224,1],1] routed:cm: Connection to lifeline 
> [[34224,0],1] lost
> I'm thinking that this error ocurrs because the process want to create the 
> socket using the port that was previously assigned to it. So, if i want to 
> restart it using another port or something how the other daemons and process 
> will find out about this? Is this a good choice?
> Best regards.
> Hugo Meyer
> 2011/3/31 Hugo Meyer <meyer.h...@gmail.com>
> Ok Ralph. 
> Thanks a lot, i will resend this message with a new subject.
> Best Regards.
> Hugo
> 2011/3/31 Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org>
> Sorry - should have included the devel list when I sent this.
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 6:11 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
>> I'm not the expert on this area - Josh is, so I'll defer to him. I did take 
>> a quick glance at the sstore framework, though, and it looks like there are 
>> some params you could set that might help.
>> "ompi_info --param sstore all"
>> should tell you what's available. Also, note that Josh created a man page to 
>> explain how sstore works. It's in section 7, looks like "man orte_sstore" 
>> should get it.
>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Hugo Meyer wrote:
>>> Hello again.
>>> I'm working in the launch code to handle my checkpoints, but i'm a little 
>>> stuck in how to set the path to my checkpoint and the executable 
>>> (ompi_blcr_context.PID). I take a look at the code in 
>>> odls_base_default_fns.c and this piece of code took my attention:
>>> #if OPAL_ENABLE_FT_CR == 1
>>>             /*
>>>              * OPAL CRS components need the opportunity to take action 
>>> before a process
>>>              * is forked.
>>>              * Needs access to:
>>>              *   - Environment
>>>              *   - Rank/ORTE Name
>>>              *   - Binary to exec
>>>              */
>>>             if( NULL != opal_crs.crs_prelaunch ) {
>>>                 if( OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = 
>>> opal_crs.crs_prelaunch(child->name->vpid,
>>> orte_sstore_base_prelaunch_location,
>>> &(app->app),
>>> &(app->cwd),
>>> &(app->argv),
>>> &(app->env) ) ) ) {
>>>                     ORTE_ERROR_LOG(rc);
>>>                     goto CLEANUP;
>>>                 }
>>>             }
>>> #endif
>>> But i didn't find out how to set orte_sstore_base_prelaunch_location, i now 
>>> that initially this is set in the sstore_base_open. For example, as i'm 
>>> transfering my checkpoint from one node to another, i store the checkpoint 
>>> that has to be restore in /tmp/1/ and it has a name like 
>>> ompi_blcr_context.PID.
>>> Is there any function that i didn't see that allows me to do this? I'm 
>>> asking this because I do not want to change the signature of the functions 
>>> to pass the details of the checkpoint and the PID.
>>> Best Regards.
>>> Hugo Meyer
>>> 2011/3/30 Hugo Meyer <meyer.h...@gmail.com>
>>> Thanks Ralph.
>>> I have finished the (a) point, and now its working, now i have to work to 
>>> relaunch from my checkpoint as you said.
>>> Best regards.
>>> Hugo Meyer
>>> 2011/3/29 Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org>
>>> The resilient mapper -only- works on procs being restarted - it cannot map 
>>> a job for its initial launch. You shouldn't set any rmaps flag and things 
>>> will work correctly - the default round-robin mapper will map the initial 
>>> launch, and then the resilient mapper will handle restarts.
>>> On Mar 29, 2011, at 5:18 AM, Hugo Meyer wrote:
>>>> Ralph.
>>>> I'm having a problem when i try to select the rmaps resilient to be used:
>>>> /home/hmeyer/desarrollo/ompi-code/binarios/bin/mpirun -v -np 4 --hostfile 
>>>> ../hostfile --bynode -mca rmaps resilient -mca vprotocol receiver -mca plm 
>>>> rsh -mca routed cm ./coll 6 10 2>out.txt 
>>>> I get this as error:
>>>> [clus9:25568] [[53334,0],0] hostfile: checking hostfile ../hostfile for 
>>>> nodes
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Your job failed to map. Either no mapper was available, or none
>>>> of the available mappers was able to perform the requested
>>>> mapping operation. This can happen if you request a map type
>>>> (e.g., loadbalance) and the corresponding mapper was not built.
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [clus9:25568] errmgr:hnp:update_state() [[53334,0],0]) ------- App. 
>>>> Process state updated for process NULL
>>>> [clus9:25568] [[53334,0],0] errmgr:hnp: job [53334,0] reported state NEVER 
>>>> LAUNCHED for proc NULL state UNDEFINED pid 0 exit_code 1
>>>> [clus9:25568] [[53334,0],0] errmgr:hnp: job [53334,0] reported state NEVER 
>>>> [clus9:25568] [[53334,0],0] errmgr:hnp: abort called on job [53334,0] with 
>>>> status 1
>>>> Is there a flag that i'm not turning on? or a component that i should have 
>>>> selected?
>>>> Thanks again.
>>>> Hugo Meyer
>>>> 2011/3/26 Hugo Meyer <meyer.h...@gmail.com>
>>>> Ok Ralph.
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help, i will do as you said and then let you know 
>>>> how it goes.
>>>> Best Regards.
>>>> Hugo Meyer
>>>> 2011/3/25 Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org>
>>>> On Mar 25, 2011, at 10:48 AM, Hugo Meyer wrote:
>>>>> From what you've described before, I suspect all you'll need to do is add 
>>>>> some code in orte/mca/odls/base/odls_base_default_fns.c that (a) checks 
>>>>> to see if a process in the launch message is being relocated (the 
>>>>> construct_child_list code does that already), and then (b) sends the 
>>>>> required info to all local child processes so they can take appropriate 
>>>>> action.
>>>>> Failure detection, re-launch, etc. have all been taken care of for you.
>>>>> I looked at the code that you mentioned me and i realize that i have two 
>>>>> possible options, that i'm going to share with you to know your opinion.
>>>>> First of all i will let you know my actual situation with the 
>>>>> implementation. As i'm working in a Fault Tolerant system, but using 
>>>>> uncoordinated checkpoint i'm taking checkpoints of all my process at 
>>>>> different time and storing them on the machine where there are residing, 
>>>>> but i also send this checkpoints to another node (lets call it 
>>>>> protector), so if this node fails his process should be restarted in the 
>>>>> protector that have his checkpoints.
>>>>> Right now i'm detecting the failure of a process and i know where this 
>>>>> process should be restarted, and also i have the checkpoint in the 
>>>>> protector. And i also have the child information of course.
>>>>> So, my options are:
>>>>> First Option
>>>>> I detect the failure, and then i use 
>>>>> orte_errmgr_hnp_base_global_update_state()  with some modifications and 
>>>>> the hnp_relocate but changing the spawning to make a restart from a 
>>>>> checkpoint, i suposse that using this, the migration of the process to 
>>>>> another node will be updated and everyone will know it, because is the 
>>>>> hnp who is going to do this (is this ok?).
>>>> This is the option I would use. The other one is much, much more work. In 
>>>> this option, you only have to:
>>>> (a) modify the mapper so you can specify the location of the proc being 
>>>> restarted. The resilient mapper module will be handling the restart - if 
>>>> you look at orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/rmaps_resilient.c, you can see the 
>>>> code doing the "replacement" and modify accordingly.
>>>> (b) add any required info about your checkpoint to the launch message. 
>>>> This gets created in orte/mca/odls/base/odls_base_default_fns.c, the 
>>>> "get_add_procs_data" function (at the top of the file).
>>>> (c) modify the launch code to handle your checkpoint, if required - see 
>>>> the file in (b), the "construct_child" and "launch" functions.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Ralph
>>>>> Second Option
>>>>> Modify one of the spawn variations(probably the remote_spawn from rsh) in 
>>>>> the PLM framework and then use the orted_comm to command a remote_spawn 
>>>>> in the protector, but i don't know here how to update the info so 
>>>>> everyone knows about the change or how this is managed.
>>>>> I might be very wrong in what I said, my apologies if so.
>>>>> Thanks a lot for all the help.
>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>> Hugo Meyer
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