When the proc restarts, it calls orte_routed.init_routes. If you look in
routed cm, you should see a call to "register_sync" - this is where the proc
sends a message to the local daemon, allowing it to "learn" the port/address
where the proc resides.

I've done this. I had a problem because when i called init_routes, i was
setting only the* orte_process_info.my_daemon* value to the new one, but i
forgot to set the *orte_process_info.my_daemon_uri. *So when in init_routes
the *orte_rml_base_parse_uris *was called this resets the value to the old
daemon, but now that's ok.

But i've got a little question about the sync. This allows the local daemon
to learn about the new proc, but the other procs also learn about this? I
mean, what happens if someone try to send a message to the restored process?
This message is sent to his new location, or i will have to do something
else to make this known to the others?

Thanks a lot for all your help.

Best regards.


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