To adress your concerns about putting the epoch in the process name structure, 
putting it in there rather than in a separately maintained list simplifies 
things later. 

For example, during communication you need to attach the epoch to each of your 
messages so they can be tracked later. If a process dies while the message is 
in flight, or you need to cancel your communication, you need to be able to 
find the matching message to the matching epoch. If the epoch isn't in the 
process name, then you have to modify to the message header for each type of 
message to include that information. Each process not only needs to know what 
the current version of the epoch is from it's own perspective, but also from 
the perspective of whomever is sending the message.

This is also true for things like reporting failures. To prevent duplicate 
notifications you would need to include your epoch in all the notifications so 
no one marks a process as failing twice.

Really the point is that by changing the process name, you prevent the need to 
pack the epoch each time you have any sort of communication. All that work is 
done along with packing the rest of the structure. 

On Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Ralph Castain wrote:

> Thanks for the explanation - as I said, I won't have time to really review 
> the patch this week, but appreciate the info. I don't really expect to see a 
> conflict as George had discussed this with me previously.
> I know I'll have merge conflicts with my state machine branch, which would be 
> ready for commit in the same time frame, but I'll hold off on that one and 
> deal with the merge issues on my side.
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Wesley Bland < 
> (> wrote:
> > This could certainly work alongside another ORCM or any other fault 
> > detection/prediction/recovery mechanism. Most of the code is just dedicated 
> > to keeping the epoch up to date and tracking the status of the processes. 
> > The underlying idea was to provide a way for the application to decide what 
> > its fault policy would be rather than trying to dictate one in the runtime. 
> > If any other layer wanted to register a callback function with this code, 
> > it could do anything it wanted to on top of it. 
> > 
> > Wesley
> > 
> > On Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Ralph Castain wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm on travel this week, but will look this over when I return. From the 
> > > description, it sounds nearly identical to what we did in ORCM, so I 
> > > expect there won't be many issues. You do get some race conditions that 
> > > the new state machine code should help resolve.
> > > 
> > > Only difference I can quickly see is that we chose not to modify the 
> > > process name structure, keeping the "epoch" (we called it "incarnation") 
> > > as a separate value. Since we aren't terribly concerned about backward 
> > > compatibility, I don't consider this a significant issue - but something 
> > > the community should recognize. 
> > > 
> > > My main concern will be to ensure that the new code contains enough 
> > > flexibility to allow integration with other layers such as ORCM without 
> > > creating potential conflict over "double protection" - i.e., if the layer 
> > > above ORTE wants to provide a certain level of fault protection, then 
> > > ORTE needs to get out of the way. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 1:00 PM, George Bosilca < 
> > > (> wrote:
> > > >  WHAT: Allow the runtime to handle fail-stop failures for both runtime 
> > > > (daemons) or application level processes. This patch extends the 
> > > > orte_process_name_t structure with a field to store the process epoch 
> > > > (the number of times it died so far), and add an application failure 
> > > > notification callback function to be registered in the runtime.
> > > > 
> > > >  WHY: Necessary to correctly implement the error handling in the MPI 
> > > > 2.2 standard. In addition, such a resilient runtime is a cornerstone 
> > > > for any level of fault tolerance support we want to provide in the 
> > > > future (such as the MPI-3 Run-Through Stabilization or FT-MPI).
> > > > 
> > > >  WHEN:
> > > > 
> > > >  WHERE: Patch attached to this email, based on trunk r24747.
> > > >  TIMEOUT: 2 weeks from now, on Monday 20 June.
> > > > 
> > > >  ------
> > > > 
> > > >  MORE DETAILS:
> > > > 
> > > >  Currently the infrastructure required to enable any kind of fault 
> > > > tolerance development in Open MPI (with the exception of the 
> > > > checkpoint/restart) is missing. However, before developing any fault 
> > > > tolerant support at the application (MPI) level, we need to have a 
> > > > resilient runtime. The changes in this patch address this lack of 
> > > > support and would allow anyone to implement a fault tolerance protocol 
> > > > at the MPI layer without having to worry about the ORTE stabilization.
> > > > 
> > > >  This patch will allow the runtime to drop any dead daemons, and 
> > > > re-route all communications around the holes in order to __ALWAYS__ 
> > > > deliver a message as long as the destination process is alive. The 
> > > > application is informed (via a callback) about the loss of the 
> > > > processes with the same jobid. In this patch we do not address the 
> > > > MPI_ERROR_RETURN type of failures, we focused on the MPI_ERROR_ABORT 
> > > > ones. Moreover, we empowered the application level with the decision, 
> > > > instead of taking it down in the runtime.
> > > > 
> > > >  NEW STUFF:
> > > > 
> > > >  Epoch - A counter that tracks the number of times a process has been 
> > > > detected to have terminated, either from a failure or an expected 
> > > > termination. After the termination is detected, the HNP coordinates all 
> > > > other process’s knowledge of the new epoch. Each ORTED will know the 
> > > > epoch of the other processes in the job, but it will not actually store 
> > > > anything until the epochs change.
> > > > 
> > > >  Run-Through Stabilization - When an ORTED (or HNP) detects that 
> > > > another process has terminated, it repairs the routing layer and 
> > > > informs the HNP. The HNP tells all other processes about the failure so 
> > > > they can also repair their routing layers an update their internal 
> > > > bookkeeping. The processes do not abort after the termination is 
> > > > detected.
> > > > 
> > > >  Callback Function - When the HNP tells all the ORTEDs about the 
> > > > failures, they tell the ORTE layers within the applications. The 
> > > > application level ORTE layers have a callback function that they use to 
> > > > inform the OMPI layer about the error. Currently the OMPI errhandler 
> > > > code fills in this callback function so it is informed when there is an 
> > > > error and it aborts (to maintain the current default behavior of MPI). 
> > > > This callback function can also be used in an ORTE only application to 
> > > > perform application based fault tolerance (ABFT) and allow the 
> > > > application to continue.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  Epoch - The orte_process_name_t struct now has a field for epoch. This 
> > > > means that whenever sending a message, the most current version of the 
> > > > epoch needs to be in this field. This is a simple look up using the 
> > > > function in orte/util/nidmap.c: orte_util_lookup_epoch(). In the 
> > > > orte/orted/orted_comm.c code, there is a check to make sure that it 
> > > > isn’t trying to send messages to a process that has already terminated 
> > > > (don’t send to a process with an epoch less than the current epoch). 
> > > > Make sure that if you are sending a message, you have the most up to 
> > > > date data here.
> > > > 
> > > >  Routing - So far, only the binomial routing layer has been updated to 
> > > > use the new resilience features. To modify other routing layers to be 
> > > > able to continue running after a process failure, they need to be able 
> > > > to detect which processes are not currently running and route around 
> > > > them. The errmgr gives the routing layer two chances to do this. First 
> > > > it calls delete_route for each process that fails, then it calls 
> > > > update_routing_tree after it has appropriately marked each process. 
> > > > Before either of these things happen the epoch and process state have 
> > > > already been updates so the routing layer can use this data to 
> > > > determine which processes are alive and which are dead. A convenience 
> > > > function has been added to orte/util/nidmap.h called 
> > > > orte_util_proc_is_running() which allows the ORTEDs to determine the 
> > > > status of a process. Keep in mind that a process is not running if it 
> > > > hasn’t started up yet so it is wise to check the epoch (to make sure 
> > > > that it isn’t ORTE_EPOCH_MIN) as well to make sure that you’re actually 
> > > > detecting an error and not just noticing that an ORTED hasn’t finished 
> > > > starting.
> > > > 
> > > >  Callback - If you want to implement some sort of fault tolerance on 
> > > > top of this code, use the callback function in the errmgr framework. 
> > > > There is a new function in the errmgr code called set_fault_callback 
> > > > that takes a function pointer. The ompi_init code sets this to a 
> > > > default value just after it calls orte_init (to make sure that there is 
> > > > an errmgr to call into). If you later set this to a new function, you 
> > > > will get the callback to notify you of process failures. Remember that 
> > > > you’ll need to handle any sort of MPI level fault tolerance at this 
> > > > point because you’ve taken away the callback for the OMPI layer.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
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