Ah - thanks! That really helped clarify things. Much appreciated.

Will look at the patch in this light...

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Wesley Bland <wbl...@eecs.utk.edu> wrote:

> Perhaps it would help if you folks could provide a little explanation about
> how you use epoch? While the value sounds similar, your explanations are
> beginning to sound very different from what we are doing and/or had
> envisioned.
> I'm not sure how you can talk about an epoch being too high or too low,
> unless you are envisioning an overall system where procs try to maintain
> some global notion of the value - which sounds like a race condition begging
> to cause problems.
> When we say epoch we mean a value that is stored locally. When a failure is
> detected the detector notifies the HNP who notifies everyone else. Thus
> everyone will _eventually_ receive the notification that the process has
> failed. It may take a while for you to receive the notification, but in the
> meantime you will behave normally. When you do receive the notification that
> the failure occurred, you update your local copy of the epoch.
> This is similar to the definition of the "perfect" failure detector that
> Josh references. It doesn't matter if you don't find about the failure
> immediately, as long as you find out about it eventually. If you aren't
> actually in the same jobid as the failed process you might never find out
> about the failure because it does not apply to you.
> Are you then thinking that MPI processes are going to detect failure
> instead of local orteds?? Right now, no MPI process would ever report
> failure of a peer - the orted detects failure using the sigchild and reports
> it. What mechanism would the MPI procs use, and how would that be more
> reliable than sigchild??
> Definitely not. ORTEDs are the processes that detect and report the
> failures. They can detect the failure of other ORTEDs or of applications.
> Basically anything to which they have a connection.
> So right now the HNP can -never- receive more than one failure report at a
> time for a process. The only issue we've been working is that there are
> several pathways for reporting that error - e.g., if the orted detects the
> process fails and reports it, and then the orted itself fails, we can get
> multiple failure events back at the HNP before we respond to the first one.
> Not the same issue as having MPI procs reporting failures...
> This is where the epoch becomes necessary. When reporting a failure, you
> tell the HNP which process failed by name, including the epoch. Thus the HNP
> will not make a process as having failed twice (thus incrementing the epoch
> twice and notifying everyone about the failure twice). The HNP might receive
> multiple notifications because more than one ORTED could (and often will)
> detect the failure. It is easier to have the HNP decide what is a failure
> and what is a duplicate rather than have the ORTEDs reach some consensus
> about the fact that a process has failed. Much less overhead this way.
> I'm not sure what ORCM does in the respect, but I don't know of anything in
> ORTE that would track this data other than the process state and that
> doesn't keep track of anything beyond one failure (which admittedly isn't an
> issue until we implement process recovery).
> We aren't having any problems with process recovery and process state -
> without tracking epochs. We only track "incarnations" so that we can pass it
> down to the apps, which use that info to guide their restart.
> Could you clarify why you are having a problem in this regard? Might help
> to better understand your proposed changes.
> I think we're talking about the same thing here. The only difference is
> that I'm not looking at the ORCM code so I don't have the "incarnations".
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