Yes, it is Gigabytes Ethernet. I configure ompi again using "./configure --disable-mpi-f90 --disable-mpi-f77 --disable-mpi-cxx --disable-vt --disable-io-romio --prefix=/usr --with-platform=optimized" and run IMB-MPI1 again with "mpirun --mca btl tcp,self -n 2 --hostfile my_hostfile --bynode ./IMB-MPI1" again, the result does not seem very different though...

About TIPC, maybe this article can explains more:

To use TIPC, you use "tipcutil" to configure:
I first connect 2 machines directly with wires
1. set tipc address of 2 PC. Say <1.1.1> and <1.1.2> respectively and with the same Network ID 2. "tipc-config -v -i -be=eth:eth0,eth:eth1" at each machine to set the bears. Check for more information
3. "tipc-config -l" to check links. If successful, you should see:
ehhexxn@node2:~/git/test_ompi/IMB_3.2/src$ tipc-config -l
multicast-link: up
1.1.2:eth0-1.1.1:eth0: up
1.1.2:eth1-1.1.1:eth1: up

In the attachment, there are sample programs using TIPC that can be used to test TIPC environment :)


On 08/29/2011 03:22 PM, teng ma wrote:
Is your interconnect Gigabytes Ethernet? It's very surprised to see TCP BTL just got 33MBytes peak BW on your cluster. I did a similar test on an amd cluster with gigabytes Ethernet. As following shows, the TCP BTL's BW is similar with your tipc(112MBytes/s). Could you redo the test with 2 processes spawned, 2 nodes in your machinefile and enabling --bynode?

It looks like your tipc BTL is pretty good at message size between 8K and 512K. Can you tell us more about difference between TIPC and TCP protocol stacks? Any special configure needed to enable your tipc? Maybe you can write a module in Netpipe( similar to NPTcp )to test raw performance on both TCP and TIPC without MPI.

TCP BTL on a Gigbytes ethernet
# Benchmarking PingPong
# #processes = 2
       #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000        23.27         0.00
            1         1000        23.78         0.04
            2         1000        23.77         0.08
            4         1000        25.47         0.15
            8         1000        23.94         0.32
           16         1000        24.36         0.63
           32         1000        24.83         1.23
           64         1000        25.76         2.37
          128         1000        27.25         4.48
          256         1000        30.66         7.96
          512         1000        36.86        13.25
         1024         1000        49.00        19.93
         2048         1000        77.83        25.10
         4096         1000        82.42        47.39
         8192         1000       165.28        47.27
        16384         1000       325.01        48.08
        32768         1000       440.75        70.90
        65536          640      1060.00        58.96
       131072          320      1674.71        74.64
       262144          160      2814.13        88.84
       524288           80      4975.11       100.50
      1048576           40      9526.94       104.97
      2097152           20     18419.33       108.58
      4194304           10     36150.05       110.65
      8388608            5     71880.79       111.30


On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 3:51 AM, Xin He < <>> wrote:

    On 08/25/2011 03:14 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

        On Aug 25, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Xin He wrote:

                Can you edit your configure.m4 directly and test it
                and whatnot?  I provided the configure.m4 as a
                starting point for you.  :-)  It shouldn't be hard to
                make it check linux/tipc.h instead of tipc.h.  I'm
                happy to give you direct write access to the
                bitbucket, if you want it.

            I think me having write access is convenient for both of us :)

        Sure -- what's your bitbucket account ID?

    It's "letter113"

                As we've discussed off-list, we can't take the code
                upstream until the contributor agreement is signed,

            The agreement thing is ongoing right now, but it may take
            some time.

        No worries.  Lawyers tend to take time when reviewing this
        stuff; we've seen this pattern in most organizations who sign
        the OMPI agreement.

            But to save time, can you guys do some test on TIPC BTL,
            so that
            when the agreement is ready, the code can be used?

        I don't know if any of us has the TIPC support libraries

    It is easy to have TIPC support. It is within the kernel actually.
    To get TIPC working, you only have to configure it by using
    "tipc-config". Maybe you
    can check this doc for information:

        So... what *is* TIPC?  Is there a writeup anywhere that we can
        read about what it is / how it works?  For example, what makes
        TIPC perform better than TCP?

    Sure.  Search "TIPC: Providing Communication for Linux Clusters".
    It is a paper written by the author of TIPC, explaining basic
    stuff about TIPC,
    should be very useful. And you can visit TIPC homepage: .

                    I have done some tests using tools like NetPIPE,
                    osu and IMB and the result shows that TIPC BTL has
                    a better performance
                    than TCP BTL.

                Great!  Can you share any results?

            Yes, please check the appendix for the results using IMB 3.2.

            I have done the tests on 2 computers. Dell SC1435
            Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2212 HE x 2
            4 GB Mem
            Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS 32-bit Linux 2.6.32-24

        I'm not familiar with the Dell or Opteron lines -- how recent
        are those models?

        I ask because your TCP latency is a bit high (about 85us in
        2-process IMB PingPong); it might suggest older hardware.  Or
        you may have built a debugging version of Open MPI (if you
        have a .svn or .hg checkout, that's the default). See the
        HACKING top-level file for how to get an optimized build.

        For example, with my debug build of Open MPI on fairly old
        Xeons with 1GB ethernet, I'm getting the following PingPong
        results (note: this is a debug build; it's not even an
        optimized build):

        $ mpirun --mca btl tcp,self --bynode -np 2 --mca
        btl_tcp_if_include eth0 hostname
        $ mpirun --mca btl tcp,self --bynode -np 2 --mca
        btl_tcp_if_include eth0 IMB-MPI1 PingPong
        #    Intel (R) MPI Benchmark Suite V3.2, MPI-1 part
        # Benchmarking PingPong
        # #processes = 2
               #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
                    0         1000        57.31         0.00
                    1         1000        57.71         0.02
                    2         1000        57.73         0.03
                    4         1000        57.81         0.07
                    8         1000        57.78         0.13

        With an optimized build, it shaves off only a few us (which
        isn't too important in this case, but it does matter in the
        low-latency transport cases):

        # Benchmarking PingPong
        # #processes = 2
               #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
                    0         1000        54.62         0.00
                    1         1000        54.92         0.02
                    2         1000        55.15         0.03
                    4         1000        55.16         0.07
                    8         1000        55.15         0.14

    Hi, I think these models are reasonably new :)
    The result I gave you, they are tested on 2 processes but on 2
    different servers. I get that the result you showed is 2 processes
    on one machine?
    But I did build with debug enabled, I will try optimize then :)

    BTW, I forgot to tell you about SM & TIPC. Unfortunately, TIPC
    does not beat SM...


    devel mailing list <>

#    Intel (R) MPI Benchmark Suite V3.2, MPI-1 part    
# Date                  : Tue Aug 30 09:29:13 2011
# Machine               : i686
# System                : Linux
# Release               : 2.6.32-24-generic-pae
# Version               : #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 07:39:26 UTC 2010
# MPI Version           : 2.1
# MPI Thread Environment: MPI_THREAD_SINGLE

# New default behavior from Version 3.2 on:

# the number of iterations per message size is cut down 
# dynamically when a certain run time (per message size sample) 
# is expected to be exceeded. Time limit is defined by variable 
# "SECS_PER_SAMPLE" (=> IMB_settings.h) 
# or through the flag => -time 

# Calling sequence was: 

# ./IMB-MPI1

# Minimum message length in bytes:   0
# Maximum message length in bytes:   4194304
# MPI_Datatype                   :   MPI_BYTE 
# MPI_Datatype for reductions    :   MPI_FLOAT
# MPI_Op                         :   MPI_SUM  

# List of Benchmarks to run:

# PingPong
# PingPing
# Sendrecv
# Exchange
# Allreduce
# Reduce
# Reduce_scatter
# Allgather
# Allgatherv
# Gather
# Gatherv
# Scatter
# Scatterv
# Alltoall
# Alltoallv
# Bcast
# Barrier

# Benchmarking PingPong 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000        83.32         0.00
            1         1000        83.39         0.01
            2         1000        83.66         0.02
            4         1000        84.56         0.05
            8         1000       107.01         0.07
           16         1000       124.88         0.12
           32         1000       124.90         0.24
           64         1000       124.88         0.49
          128         1000       125.01         0.98
          256         1000       124.90         1.95
          512         1000       125.04         3.91
         1024         1000       166.61         5.86
         2048         1000       230.08         8.49
         4096         1000       291.42        13.40
         8192         1000       458.24        17.05
        16384         1000       721.79        21.65
        32768         1000      1295.71        24.12
        65536          640      2659.35        23.50
       131072          320      4374.14        28.58
       262144          160      8165.03        30.62
       524288           80     15841.19        31.56
      1048576           40     30995.40        32.26
      2097152           20     60772.67        32.91
      4194304           10    120246.25        33.27

# Benchmarking PingPing 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000       166.67         0.00
            1         1000       168.03         0.01
            2         1000       166.63         0.01
            4         1000       166.41         0.02
            8         1000       166.78         0.05
           16         1000       166.64         0.09
           32         1000       166.65         0.18
           64         1000       166.76         0.37
          128         1000       166.66         0.73
          256         1000       166.65         1.46
          512         1000       166.76         2.93
         1024         1000       249.89         3.91
         2048         1000       333.08         5.86
         4096         1000       416.89         9.37
         8192         1000       666.69        11.72
        16384         1000      1138.73        13.72
        32768         1000      2083.22        15.00
        65536          640      2750.90        22.72
       131072          320      4465.91        27.99
       262144          160      8335.28        29.99
       524288           80     16463.15        30.37
      1048576           40     32339.15        30.92
      2097152           20     64327.26        31.09
      4194304           10    127857.31        31.28

# Benchmarking Sendrecv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000       124.88       124.90       124.89         0.00
            1         1000       124.84       124.94       124.89         0.02
            2         1000       124.95       125.07       125.01         0.03
            4         1000       124.43       124.54       124.49         0.06
            8         1000       124.83       124.94       124.88         0.12
           16         1000       122.69       122.83       122.76         0.25
           32         1000       123.44       123.54       123.49         0.49
           64         1000       124.32       124.43       124.37         0.98
          128         1000       124.94       125.08       125.01         1.95
          256         1000       124.90       124.93       124.91         3.91
          512         1000       124.82       124.93       124.88         7.82
         1024         1000       166.80       166.90       166.85        11.70
         2048         1000       209.44       209.47       209.46        18.65
         4096         1000       291.36       291.41       291.38        26.81
         8192         1000       428.15       428.24       428.20        36.49
        16384         1000       748.99       749.04       749.02        41.72
        32768         1000      1331.67      1331.70      1331.68        46.93
        65536          640      2689.80      2689.85      2689.82        46.47
       131072          320      5864.73      5877.27      5871.00        42.54
       262144          160     11176.86     11177.08     11176.97        44.73
       524288           80     21622.60     21623.01     21622.81        46.25
      1048576           40     39329.30     39335.13     39332.21        50.85
      2097152           20     81255.00     81302.30     81278.65        49.20
      4194304           10    172975.50    173124.40    173049.95        46.21

# Benchmarking Exchange 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000       166.67       166.82       166.75         0.00
            1         1000       166.69       166.92       166.80         0.02
            2         1000       166.54       166.81       166.67         0.05
            4         1000       166.68       166.82       166.75         0.09
            8         1000       166.68       166.91       166.80         0.18
           16         1000       166.55       166.80       166.67         0.37
           32         1000       166.42       166.56       166.49         0.73
           64         1000       166.66       166.67       166.66         1.46
          128         1000       166.55       166.81       166.68         2.93
          256         1000       166.56       166.78       166.67         5.86
          512         1000       249.60       249.85       249.73         7.82
         1024         1000       292.52       292.74       292.63        13.34
         2048         1000       415.98       416.38       416.18        18.76
         4096         1000       582.72       583.17       582.95        26.79
         8192         1000       915.31       916.40       915.85        34.10
        16384         1000      1665.85      1666.14      1665.99        37.51
        32768         1000      3079.51      3082.04      3080.78        40.56
        65536          640      6585.04      6585.05      6585.04        37.96
       131072          320     12063.76     12076.49     12070.12        41.40
       262144          160     20404.34     20452.68     20428.51        48.89
       524288           80     38160.13     38160.62     38160.38        52.41
      1048576           40     71830.70     71835.57     71833.14        55.68
      2097152           20    174175.14    175093.40    174634.27        45.69
      4194304           10    308588.00    310403.10    309495.55        51.55

# Benchmarking Allreduce 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.08         0.09         0.08
            4         1000        83.21        83.32        83.26
            8         1000        83.20        83.33        83.27
           16         1000        83.31        83.32        83.31
           32         1000        83.21        83.32        83.26
           64         1000        85.45        85.58        85.52
          128         1000       166.25       166.29       166.27
          256         1000       166.41       166.51       166.46
          512         1000       166.41       166.78       166.59
         1024         1000       249.75       250.02       249.89
         2048         1000       332.84       333.19       333.02
         4096         1000       422.80       423.48       423.14
         8192         1000       665.95       666.57       666.26
        16384         1000      1332.40      1332.43      1332.42
        32768         1000      2331.52      2333.22      2332.37
        65536          640      4329.15      4329.43      4329.29
       131072          320      5849.08      5849.32      5849.20
       262144          160     10444.55     10446.08     10445.32
       524288           80     17419.00     17421.56     17420.28
      1048576           40     36347.63     36351.87     36349.75
      2097152           20     68447.90     68452.80     68450.35
      4194304           10    135604.71    135647.20    135625.95

# Benchmarking Reduce 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.10         0.10         0.10
            4         1000        82.97        83.09        83.03
            8         1000        83.46        83.69        83.57
           16         1000        83.21        83.21        83.21
           32         1000       106.94       107.07       107.00
           64         1000        83.46        83.69        83.57
          128         1000        83.45        83.46        83.46
          256         1000       125.18       125.30       125.24
          512         1000       124.69       124.91       124.80
         1024         1000       166.16       166.66       166.41
         2048         1000       208.40       208.54       208.47
         4096         1000       291.11       291.36       291.23
         8192         1000       457.78       458.76       458.27
        16384         1000       707.40       707.64       707.52
        32768         1000      1330.83      1331.29      1331.06
        65536          640      2327.08      2331.81      2329.44
       131072          320      4723.25      4741.15      4732.20
       262144          160      9164.09      9200.09      9182.09
       524288           80     18106.61     18176.20     18141.41
      1048576           40     35587.47     35602.70     35595.09
      2097152           20     69831.45     70127.86     69979.65
      4194304           10    140214.30    140795.70    140505.00

# Benchmarking Reduce_scatter 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.09         0.09         0.09
            4         1000         5.72         6.01         5.87
            8         1000        83.31        83.45        83.38
           16         1000        83.31        83.44        83.38
           32         1000        83.35        83.42        83.39
           64         1000        83.31        83.45        83.38
          128         1000        83.31        83.45        83.38
          256         1000       101.09       101.17       101.13
          512         1000       166.52       166.90       166.71
         1024         1000       166.44       166.65       166.54
         2048         1000       250.01       250.12       250.06
         4096         1000       332.77       333.32       333.04
         8192         1000       438.53       439.27       438.90
        16384         1000       665.24       666.14       665.69
        32768         1000      1165.42      1166.88      1166.15
        65536          640      2167.66      2168.02      2167.84
       131072          320      2821.46      2822.57      2822.01
       262144          160      5247.50      5248.27      5247.88
       524288           80      9904.91      9906.34      9905.62
      1048576           40     20018.88     20021.45     20020.16
      2097152           20     39385.95     39391.65     39388.80
      4194304           10     78549.61     78720.80     78635.20

# Benchmarking Allgather 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.07         0.07         0.07
            1         1000        83.20        83.35        83.28
            2         1000        83.22        83.58        83.40
            4         1000        83.30        83.32        83.31
            8         1000        83.21        83.33        83.27
           16         1000        83.22        83.58        83.40
           32         1000        83.30        83.32        83.31
           64         1000        83.71        83.84        83.77
          128         1000       127.18       127.55       127.37
          256         1000       166.51       166.53       166.52
          512         1000       166.41       166.54       166.48
         1024         1000       249.62       250.09       249.85
         2048         1000       332.99       333.21       333.10
         4096         1000       416.04       416.44       416.24
         8192         1000       665.67       666.75       666.21
        16384         1000      1165.35      1166.56      1165.95
        32768         1000      2163.37      2163.94      2163.66
        65536          640      2920.51      2929.48      2925.00
       131072          320      5514.53      5515.59      5515.06
       262144          160      9366.71      9367.60      9367.16
       524288           80     17007.32     17009.41     17008.37
      1048576           40     33668.32     33674.07     33671.20
      2097152           20     65819.55     65923.15     65871.35
      4194304           10    132655.40    132887.00    132771.20

# Benchmarking Allgatherv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.08         0.08         0.08
            1         1000        83.35        83.35        83.35
            2         1000        83.23        83.30        83.26
            4         1000        83.22        83.33        83.27
            8         1000        83.34        83.36        83.35
           16         1000        83.22        83.30        83.26
           32         1000        83.21        83.31        83.26
           64         1000        83.32        83.35        83.34
          128         1000        85.99        86.06        86.02
          256         1000       124.93       124.94       124.93
          512         1000       125.03       125.07       125.05
         1024         1000       166.45       166.57       166.51
         2048         1000       208.18       208.33       208.25
         4096         1000       291.73       291.93       291.83
         8192         1000       457.68       457.86       457.77
        16384         1000       742.08       742.21       742.14
        32768         1000      1368.43      1368.82      1368.63
        65536          640      2943.65      2943.90      2943.77
       131072          320      4968.62      4981.13      4974.87
       262144          160      8509.21      8510.49      8509.85
       524288           80     17457.37     17459.48     17458.43
      1048576           40     33637.10     33637.32     33637.21
      2097152           20     71884.05     72004.35     71944.20
      4194304           10    131966.49    132105.41    132035.95

# Benchmarking Gather 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.10         0.10         0.10
            1         1000        83.45        83.55        83.50
            2         1000        83.56        83.56        83.56
            4         1000       124.68       124.75       124.72
            8         1000        83.45        83.54        83.50
           16         1000        83.56        83.56        83.56
           32         1000       124.68       124.76       124.72
           64         1000        83.44        83.56        83.50
          128         1000        83.56        83.57        83.57
          256         1000       124.94       125.02       124.98
          512         1000       147.92       147.95       147.93
         1024         1000       166.82       166.85       166.84
         2048         1000       208.19       208.30       208.24
         4096         1000       290.95       291.34       291.15
         8192         1000       612.93       613.01       612.97
        16384         1000      1581.66      1581.91      1581.78
        32768         1000      1746.24      1749.22      1747.73
        65536          640      3255.00      3255.99      3255.50
       131072          320      6603.48      6622.19      6612.84
       262144          160      8267.40      8308.92      8288.16
       524288           80     15175.85     15351.15     15263.50
      1048576           40     31347.85     31733.27     31540.56
      2097152           20     61956.50     62838.60     62397.55
      4194304           10    119212.61    120932.20    120072.40

# Benchmarking Gatherv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.38         0.46         0.42
            1         1000        83.46        83.68        83.57
            2         1000       124.68       125.01       124.85
            4         1000        89.71        89.94        89.82
            8         1000        83.46        83.67        83.57
           16         1000       124.69       125.01       124.85
           32         1000       124.69       124.93       124.81
           64         1000        83.45        83.67        83.56
          128         1000       124.68       125.00       124.84
          256         1000       124.69       124.93       124.81
          512         1000       166.41       166.62       166.51
         1024         1000       166.41       166.73       166.57
         2048         1000       207.90       208.39       208.15
         4096         1000       317.58       317.82       317.70
         8192         1000       417.04       417.39       417.22
        16384         1000       747.38       749.11       748.25
        32768         1000      1301.08      1301.53      1301.30
        65536          640      2620.09      2620.80      2620.44
       131072          320      4401.79      4414.69      4408.24
       262144          160      8242.65      8290.97      8266.81
       524288           80     15933.68     16125.92     16029.80
      1048576           40     31258.40     31705.15     31481.77
      2097152           20     61118.10     62151.14     61634.62
      4194304           10    120888.01    123196.51    122042.26

# Benchmarking Scatter 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.09         0.10         0.09
            1         1000        83.45        83.53        83.49
            2         1000        83.21        83.31        83.26
            4         1000        83.09        83.20        83.15
            8         1000        83.45        83.53        83.49
           16         1000        84.21        84.32        84.26
           32         1000        83.07        83.20        83.14
           64         1000        83.44        83.53        83.48
          128         1000       124.69       124.79       124.74
          256         1000       124.80       124.93       124.87
          512         1000       124.69       124.79       124.74
         1024         1000       166.44       166.56       166.50
         2048         1000       248.38       248.86       248.62
         4096         1000       291.76       291.92       291.84
         8192         1000       457.61       457.80       457.71
        16384         1000       707.57       707.83       707.70
        32768         1000      1287.14      1290.05      1288.59
        65536          640      2699.22      2700.09      2699.65
       131072          320      4400.43      4411.66      4406.05
       262144          160      8259.55      8305.96      8282.75
       524288           80     15927.52     16103.76     16015.64
      1048576           40     31187.25     31576.73     31381.99
      2097152           20     61222.19     62028.40     61625.30
      4194304           10    121413.80    122757.09    122085.44

# Benchmarking Scatterv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.16         0.39         0.27
            1         1000        83.55        83.56        83.56
            2         1000        83.45        83.56        83.50
            4         1000       124.78       124.93       124.85
            8         1000        83.55        83.57        83.56
           16         1000        83.45        83.57        83.51
           32         1000       124.78       124.93       124.86
           64         1000        83.55        83.56        83.55
          128         1000        83.46        83.55        83.51
          256         1000       124.79       124.94       124.86
          512         1000       124.81       124.82       124.81
         1024         1000       166.43       166.55       166.49
         2048         1000       207.82       208.14       207.98
         4096         1000       291.84       291.90       291.87
         8192         1000       457.63       457.80       457.72
        16384         1000       747.60       749.09       748.34
        32768         1000      1334.13      1334.43      1334.28
        65536          640      2662.07      2671.19      2666.63
       131072          320      4402.00      4414.41      4408.21
       262144          160      8217.71      8264.72      8241.22
       524288           80     15925.36     16103.64     16014.50
      1048576           40     31205.37     31595.17     31400.27
      2097152           20     61205.45     62003.20     61604.33
      4194304           10    121338.49    122651.01    121994.75

# Benchmarking Alltoall 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.07         0.07         0.07
            1         1000        83.25        83.28        83.26
            2         1000        83.26        83.27        83.26
            4         1000        83.34        83.39        83.36
            8         1000        83.26        83.27        83.26
           16         1000        83.26        83.27        83.26
           32         1000        83.34        83.38        83.36
           64         1000        83.26        83.27        83.26
          128         1000        83.25        83.28        83.26
          256         1000        83.34        83.37        83.36
          512         1000       163.68       163.72       163.70
         1024         1000       166.47       166.52       166.49
         2048         1000       249.76       250.00       249.88
         4096         1000       292.24       292.32       292.28
         8192         1000       448.03       448.12       448.07
        16384         1000       748.86       749.00       748.93
        32768         1000      1363.13      1363.43      1363.28
        65536          640      3615.99      3623.98      3619.99
       131072          320      5047.32      5047.71      5047.52
       262144          160      8606.22      8606.56      8606.39
       524288           80     17075.45     17076.21     17075.83
      1048576           40     33530.60     33531.80     33531.20
      2097152           20     69143.55     69159.20     69151.37
      4194304           10    131056.59    131091.81    131074.20

# Benchmarking Alltoallv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.14         0.14         0.14
            1         1000        83.20        83.32        83.26
            2         1000        83.44        83.59        83.51
            4         1000        83.22        83.32        83.27
            8         1000        83.21        83.33        83.27
           16         1000        83.21        83.35        83.28
           32         1000        83.23        83.33        83.28
           64         1000        83.96        84.09        84.02
          128         1000        83.22        83.35        83.28
          256         1000       164.44       164.51       164.48
          512         1000       167.92       168.06       167.99
         1024         1000       249.62       250.01       249.81
         2048         1000       253.24       253.45       253.34
         4096         1000       416.03       416.27       416.15
         8192         1000       675.16       676.03       675.60
        16384         1000      1164.91      1165.27      1165.09
        32768         1000      2163.41      2166.73      2165.07
        65536          640      2662.34      2662.35      2662.34
       131072          320      4641.82      4642.85      4642.33
       262144          160      8625.29      8628.29      8626.79
       524288           80     17067.64     17068.79     17068.21
      1048576           40     33315.80     33319.93     33317.86
      2097152           20     65997.45     66014.19     66005.82
      4194304           10    143176.19    143287.50    143231.85

# Benchmarking Bcast 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.07         0.07         0.07
            1         1000        83.45        83.69        83.57
            2         1000        82.96        83.20        83.08
            4         1000        83.21        83.44        83.32
            8         1000        83.71        83.95        83.83
           16         1000        98.95        98.95        98.95
           32         1000        83.46        83.69        83.57
           64         1000        83.46        83.72        83.59
          128         1000       124.69       124.93       124.81
          256         1000       125.19       125.42       125.30
          512         1000       124.69       124.96       124.82
         1024         1000       166.42       166.66       166.54
         2048         1000       251.74       252.35       252.05
         4096         1000       378.96       379.05       379.00
         8192         1000       540.24       540.88       540.56
        16384         1000       511.99       512.48       512.23
        32768         1000      1213.45      1214.10      1213.78
        65536          640      1248.10      1249.55      1248.83
       131072          320      4693.22      4695.31      4694.26
       262144          160      8344.76      8370.39      8357.58
       524288           80     16044.16     16134.94     16089.55
      1048576           40     31676.47     31857.75     31767.11
      2097152           20     62990.75     63178.30     63084.52
      4194304           10    125093.00    125792.49    125442.74

# Benchmarking Barrier 
# #processes = 2 
 #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
         1000        83.22        83.30        83.26

# All processes entering MPI_Finalize

#    Intel (R) MPI Benchmark Suite V3.2, MPI-1 part    
# Date                  : Tue Aug 30 09:53:37 2011
# Machine               : i686
# System                : Linux
# Release               : 2.6.32-24-generic-pae
# Version               : #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 07:39:26 UTC 2010
# MPI Version           : 2.1
# MPI Thread Environment: MPI_THREAD_SINGLE

# New default behavior from Version 3.2 on:

# the number of iterations per message size is cut down 
# dynamically when a certain run time (per message size sample) 
# is expected to be exceeded. Time limit is defined by variable 
# "SECS_PER_SAMPLE" (=> IMB_settings.h) 
# or through the flag => -time 

# Calling sequence was: 

# ./IMB-MPI1

# Minimum message length in bytes:   0
# Maximum message length in bytes:   4194304
# MPI_Datatype                   :   MPI_BYTE 
# MPI_Datatype for reductions    :   MPI_FLOAT
# MPI_Op                         :   MPI_SUM  

# List of Benchmarks to run:

# PingPong
# PingPing
# Sendrecv
# Exchange
# Allreduce
# Reduce
# Reduce_scatter
# Allgather
# Allgatherv
# Gather
# Gatherv
# Scatter
# Scatterv
# Alltoall
# Alltoallv
# Bcast
# Barrier

# Benchmarking PingPong 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000        48.02         0.00
            1         1000        53.09         0.02
            2         1000        53.12         0.04
            4         1000        53.10         0.07
            8         1000        53.34         0.14
           16         1000        52.97         0.29
           32         1000        54.03         0.56
           64         1000        55.00         1.11
          128         1000        56.13         2.17
          256         1000        59.38         4.11
          512         1000        63.37         7.70
         1024         1000        72.56        13.46
         2048         1000        82.81        23.58
         4096         1000       103.83        37.62
         8192         1000       132.99        58.74
        16384         1000       210.22        74.33
        32768         1000       359.88        86.84
        65536          640       751.87        83.13
       131072          320      1311.29        95.33
       262144          160      2415.03       103.52
       524288           80      4618.66       108.26
      1048576           40      9016.63       110.91
      2097152           20     17812.12       112.28
      4194304           10     35408.06       112.97

# Benchmarking PingPing 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000        65.11         0.00
            1         1000        58.53         0.02
            2         1000        58.63         0.03
            4         1000        58.26         0.07
            8         1000        58.67         0.13
           16         1000        58.64         0.26
           32         1000        58.80         0.52
           64         1000        59.37         1.03
          128         1000        59.97         2.04
          256         1000        63.41         3.85
          512         1000        65.48         7.46
         1024         1000        74.57        13.10
         2048         1000       101.59        19.22
         4096         1000       107.06        36.49
         8192         1000       160.29        48.74
        16384         1000       218.45        71.53
        32768         1000       363.60        85.95
        65536          640       761.88        82.03
       131072          320      1315.96        94.99
       262144          160      2420.14       103.30
       524288           80      4624.97       108.11
      1048576           40      9026.73       110.78
      2097152           20     17827.41       112.19
      4194304           10     35421.89       112.92

# Benchmarking Sendrecv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000        64.96        64.96        64.96         0.00
            1         1000        58.29        58.38        58.33         0.03
            2         1000        59.04        59.14        59.09         0.06
            4         1000        58.93        58.93        58.93         0.13
            8         1000        59.83        59.83        59.83         0.26
           16         1000        59.39        59.48        59.43         0.51
           32         1000        59.62        59.71        59.67         1.02
           64         1000        61.02        61.03        61.03         2.00
          128         1000        59.42        59.43        59.42         4.11
          256         1000        63.71        63.72        63.72         7.66
          512         1000        65.60        65.61        65.61        14.88
         1024         1000        74.08        74.10        74.09        26.36
         2048         1000       102.45       102.46       102.46        38.12
         4096         1000       107.31       107.33       107.32        72.79
         8192         1000       158.81       158.83       158.82        98.38
        16384         1000       219.96       219.99       219.98       142.05
        32768         1000       364.82       364.90       364.86       171.28
        65536          640       762.00       762.09       762.04       164.02
       131072          320      1316.53      1316.64      1316.59       189.88
       262144          160      2421.23      2421.65      2421.44       206.47
       524288           80      4626.06      4627.05      4626.56       216.12
      1048576           40      9024.32      9026.47      9025.40       221.57
      2097152           20     17824.25     17826.70     17825.48       224.38
      4194304           10     35415.39     35420.69     35418.04       225.86

# Benchmarking Exchange 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000        69.03        69.07        69.05         0.00
            1         1000        74.91        74.91        74.91         0.05
            2         1000        74.90        74.91        74.90         0.10
            4         1000        74.56        74.57        74.56         0.20
            8         1000        74.71        74.73        74.72         0.41
           16         1000        74.94        74.95        74.94         0.81
           32         1000        75.48        75.50        75.49         1.62
           64         1000        76.55        76.55        76.55         3.19
          128         1000        78.04        78.06        78.05         6.26
          256         1000        81.93        81.93        81.93        11.92
          512         1000        88.41        88.42        88.41        22.09
         1024         1000        99.88        99.89        99.89        39.11
         2048         1000       120.29       120.29       120.29        64.94
         4096         1000       145.09       145.12       145.11       107.67
         8192         1000       213.92       214.00       213.96       146.03
        16384         1000       369.48       369.49       369.48       169.15
        32768         1000       640.35       640.39       640.37       195.19
        65536          640      1729.81      1730.17      1729.99       144.49
       131072          320      3392.43      3393.60      3393.01       147.34
       262144          160      6704.19      6706.61      6705.40       149.11
       524288           80     13321.97     13326.80     13324.39       150.07
      1048576           40     26506.52     26514.93     26510.73       150.86
      2097152           20     52884.00     52902.65     52893.33       151.22
      4194304           10    105635.49    105664.50    105650.00       151.42

# Benchmarking Allreduce 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.09         0.09         0.09
            4         1000        58.28        58.30        58.29
            8         1000        58.50        58.57        58.54
           16         1000        59.14        59.22        59.18
           32         1000        58.26        58.28        58.27
           64         1000        59.77        59.80        59.79
          128         1000        60.38        60.41        60.40
          256         1000        62.93        62.96        62.94
          512         1000        66.81        66.86        66.84
         1024         1000        74.43        74.45        74.44
         2048         1000       105.00       105.02       105.01
         4096         1000       111.08       111.10       111.09
         8192         1000       166.29       166.32       166.31
        16384         1000       328.37       328.39       328.38
        32768         1000       457.33       457.35       457.34
        65536          640       769.11       769.12       769.11
       131072          320      1626.24      1626.32      1626.28
       262144          160      2872.83      2872.85      2872.84
       524288           80      5471.62      5471.71      5471.67
      1048576           40     10869.55     10869.80     10869.67
      2097152           20     21205.45     21208.20     21206.83
      4194304           10     41878.00     41883.71     41880.85

# Benchmarking Reduce 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.10         0.11         0.10
            4         1000        56.99        56.99        56.99
            8         1000        57.29        57.30        57.29
           16         1000        57.36        57.37        57.36
           32         1000        57.35        57.36        57.36
           64         1000        58.58        58.58        58.58
          128         1000        59.51        59.51        59.51
          256         1000        62.27        62.28        62.28
          512         1000        67.06        67.06        67.06
         1024         1000        76.69        76.70        76.69
         2048         1000        87.20        87.24        87.22
         4096         1000       109.48       109.52       109.50
         8192         1000       140.09       140.18       140.13
        16384         1000       221.85       222.00       221.92
        32768         1000       379.81       380.08       379.95
        65536          640       659.74       660.21       659.98
       131072          320      1482.93      1483.86      1483.40
       262144          160      2844.96      2846.83      2845.89
       524288           80      5550.53      5554.35      5552.44
      1048576           40     10958.02     10965.80     10961.91
      2097152           20     21763.45     21779.00     21771.23
      4194304           10     43403.41     43433.90     43418.66

# Benchmarking Reduce_scatter 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.09         0.09         0.09
            4         1000         9.79         9.90         9.84
            8         1000        59.85        59.94        59.89
           16         1000        60.12        60.21        60.17
           32         1000        60.88        60.98        60.93
           64         1000        61.26        61.35        61.31
          128         1000        61.91        61.99        61.95
          256         1000        63.16        63.21        63.18
          512         1000        66.86        66.96        66.91
         1024         1000        68.99        69.12        69.06
         2048         1000        75.76        75.88        75.82
         4096         1000       106.28       106.43       106.36
         8192         1000       113.94       114.07       114.01
        16384         1000       171.63       171.80       171.71
        32768         1000       254.28       254.50       254.39
        65536          640       427.92       428.03       427.98
       131072          320       897.91       898.07       897.99
       262144          160      1980.88      1980.94      1980.91
       524288           80      3794.40      3794.90      3794.65
      1048576           40      7731.62      7733.00      7732.31
      2097152           20     15235.45     15236.14     15235.80
      4194304           10     30018.11     30023.91     30021.01

# Benchmarking Allgather 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.08         0.08         0.08
            1         1000        58.33        58.33        58.33
            2         1000        59.12        59.21        59.17
            4         1000        58.94        58.94        58.94
            8         1000        58.67        58.72        58.69
           16         1000        59.17        59.18        59.18
           32         1000        59.17        59.25        59.21
           64         1000        60.35        60.44        60.40
          128         1000        61.04        61.11        61.07
          256         1000        64.00        64.09        64.04
          512         1000        65.87        65.91        65.89
         1024         1000        73.17        73.19        73.18
         2048         1000       102.97       103.00       102.99
         4096         1000       108.24       108.26       108.25
         8192         1000       161.31       161.33       161.32
        16384         1000       224.38       224.41       224.40
        32768         1000       375.53       375.54       375.54
        65536          640       786.37       786.46       786.42
       131072          320      1374.91      1375.17      1375.04
       262144          160      2593.41      2593.92      2593.67
       524288           80      5087.68      5088.04      5087.86
      1048576           40      9958.72      9960.65      9959.69
      2097152           20     19688.95     19695.50     19692.23
      4194304           10     39225.91     39235.01     39230.46

# Benchmarking Allgatherv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.08         0.08         0.08
            1         1000        59.41        59.49        59.45
            2         1000        59.24        59.30        59.27
            4         1000        59.68        59.68        59.68
            8         1000        59.69        59.69        59.69
           16         1000        59.87        59.88        59.88
           32         1000        59.93        59.93        59.93
           64         1000        60.85        60.85        60.85
          128         1000        60.47        60.49        60.48
          256         1000        63.58        63.63        63.60
          512         1000        65.78        65.83        65.80
         1024         1000        73.70        73.72        73.71
         2048         1000       103.31       103.32       103.32
         4096         1000       108.31       108.33       108.32
         8192         1000       161.40       161.43       161.41
        16384         1000       224.31       224.34       224.32
        32768         1000       375.21       375.30       375.26
        65536          640       786.31       786.42       786.37
       131072          320      1374.04      1374.20      1374.12
       262144          160      2591.09      2591.47      2591.28
       524288           80      5094.81      5095.79      5095.30
      1048576           40      9974.03      9974.97      9974.50
      2097152           20     19681.55     19685.00     19683.27
      4194304           10     39116.71     39125.10     39120.90

# Benchmarking Gather 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.10         0.10         0.10
            1         1000        58.12        58.13        58.13
            2         1000        57.25        57.25        57.25
            4         1000        56.60        56.61        56.61
            8         1000        57.18        57.19        57.19
           16         1000        56.93        56.94        56.93
           32         1000        57.33        57.33        57.33
           64         1000        58.48        58.49        58.49
          128         1000        59.18        59.19        59.18
          256         1000        62.37        62.37        62.37
          512         1000        66.32        66.32        66.32
         1024         1000        75.56        75.58        75.57
         2048         1000        85.86        85.90        85.88
         4096         1000       107.48       107.51       107.50
         8192         1000       148.09       148.14       148.11
        16384         1000       226.90       227.03       226.97
        32768         1000       374.86       375.11       374.98
        65536          640       656.48       657.19       656.83
       131072          320      1325.60      1326.82      1326.21
       262144          160      2428.42      2430.82      2429.62
       524288           80      4853.36      4858.16      4855.76
      1048576           40      9727.32      9734.55      9730.94
      2097152           20     19421.75     19436.10     19428.92
      4194304           10     38849.61     38873.59     38861.60

# Benchmarking Gatherv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.16         0.26         0.21
            1         1000        56.84        56.84        56.84
            2         1000        57.43        57.44        57.43
            4         1000        56.98        56.98        56.98
            8         1000        56.80        56.80        56.80
           16         1000        56.92        56.93        56.93
           32         1000        57.06        57.06        57.06
           64         1000        58.48        58.49        58.48
          128         1000        59.20        59.20        59.20
          256         1000        62.08        62.08        62.08
          512         1000        67.79        67.80        67.79
         1024         1000        75.51        75.53        75.52
         2048         1000        85.95        85.99        85.97
         4096         1000       108.71       108.74       108.72
         8192         1000       136.93       137.01       136.97
        16384         1000       216.16       216.31       216.23
        32768         1000       368.89       369.15       369.02
        65536          640       770.53       770.95       770.74
       131072          320      1342.23      1343.49      1342.86
       262144          160      2505.54      2508.84      2507.19
       524288           80      4860.69      4870.29      4865.49
      1048576           40      9503.73      9536.87      9520.30
      2097152           20     18731.45     18846.80     18789.12
      4194304           10     37219.49     37624.49     37421.99

# Benchmarking Scatter 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.09         0.10         0.09
            1         1000        56.55        56.64        56.60
            2         1000        56.80        56.90        56.85
            4         1000        56.93        57.02        56.98
            8         1000        56.96        57.06        57.01
           16         1000        57.54        57.65        57.59
           32         1000        57.02        57.11        57.06
           64         1000        58.34        58.43        58.39
          128         1000        59.14        59.23        59.19
          256         1000        62.17        62.27        62.22
          512         1000        66.49        66.60        66.55
         1024         1000        75.58        75.70        75.64
         2048         1000        86.01        86.18        86.09
         4096         1000       107.49       107.64       107.56
         8192         1000       136.51       136.71       136.61
        16384         1000       214.72       214.98       214.85
        32768         1000       367.54       367.90       367.72
        65536          640       769.01       769.50       769.25
       131072          320      1337.01      1338.32      1337.67
       262144          160      2475.67      2477.35      2476.51
       524288           80      4804.42      4804.79      4804.61
      1048576           40      9513.70      9524.85      9519.27
      2097152           20     18781.25     18854.15     18817.70
      4194304           10     37295.00     37617.20     37456.10

# Benchmarking Scatterv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.15         0.26         0.21
            1         1000        57.08        57.17        57.12
            2         1000        57.14        57.23        57.18
            4         1000        57.42        57.52        57.47
            8         1000        57.31        57.40        57.36
           16         1000        57.75        57.84        57.80
           32         1000        57.61        57.70        57.66
           64         1000        58.68        58.77        58.72
          128         1000        59.53        59.62        59.57
          256         1000        62.22        62.31        62.26
          512         1000        66.35        66.45        66.40
         1024         1000        75.60        75.73        75.66
         2048         1000        85.61        85.75        85.68
         4096         1000       107.50       107.65       107.57
         8192         1000       136.41       136.60       136.50
        16384         1000       214.70       214.96       214.83
        32768         1000       367.31       367.69       367.50
        65536          640       770.77       771.27       771.02
       131072          320      1337.10      1338.11      1337.61
       262144          160      2474.92      2476.29      2475.60
       524288           80      4804.73      4805.27      4805.00
      1048576           40      9513.67      9525.98      9519.82
      2097152           20     18780.40     18848.69     18814.55
      4194304           10     37294.70     37621.91     37458.31

# Benchmarking Alltoall 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.07         0.09         0.08
            1         1000        60.01        60.11        60.06
            2         1000        59.35        59.43        59.39
            4         1000        60.07        60.07        60.07
            8         1000        60.25        60.26        60.25
           16         1000        59.24        59.28        59.26
           32         1000        60.62        60.63        60.63
           64         1000        61.33        61.39        61.36
          128         1000        62.29        62.29        62.29
          256         1000        63.72        63.82        63.77
          512         1000        66.82        66.84        66.83
         1024         1000        73.57        73.59        73.58
         2048         1000       103.78       103.80       103.79
         4096         1000       108.66       108.67       108.66
         8192         1000       162.17       162.20       162.18
        16384         1000       225.02       225.05       225.04
        32768         1000       375.13       375.15       375.14
        65536          640       788.79       788.94       788.87
       131072          320      1387.48      1387.67      1387.58
       262144          160      2630.75      2631.28      2631.01
       524288           80      5105.62      5106.15      5105.89
      1048576           40      9975.75      9977.53      9976.64
      2097152           20     19682.85     19686.49     19684.67
      4194304           10     39144.01     39149.50     39146.76

# Benchmarking Alltoallv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.14         0.15         0.14
            1         1000        59.22        59.23        59.23
            2         1000        59.12        59.14        59.13
            4         1000        59.29        59.30        59.30
            8         1000        58.58        58.61        58.60
           16         1000        59.76        59.78        59.77
           32         1000        59.54        59.54        59.54
           64         1000        60.36        60.39        60.37
          128         1000        61.09        61.18        61.14
          256         1000        64.90        64.90        64.90
          512         1000        66.47        66.54        66.51
         1024         1000        74.14        74.15        74.14
         2048         1000       103.40       103.42       103.41
         4096         1000       108.44       108.46       108.45
         8192         1000       161.89       161.92       161.91
        16384         1000       224.89       224.92       224.91
        32768         1000       375.05       375.07       375.06
        65536          640       786.44       786.47       786.45
       131072          320      1388.08      1388.22      1388.15
       262144          160      2630.65      2630.78      2630.72
       524288           80      5106.59      5107.20      5106.89
      1048576           40      9975.30      9976.85      9976.07
      2097152           20     19689.00     19692.10     19690.55
      4194304           10     39146.31     39152.60     39149.45

# Benchmarking Bcast 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.07         0.07         0.07
            1         1000        57.76        57.84        57.80
            2         1000        57.32        57.41        57.37
            4         1000        57.50        57.59        57.54
            8         1000        57.38        57.47        57.43
           16         1000        57.54        57.63        57.59
           32         1000        57.91        58.00        57.95
           64         1000        58.67        58.78        58.73
          128         1000        59.73        59.82        59.78
          256         1000        62.50        62.61        62.55
          512         1000        66.42        66.53        66.47
         1024         1000        75.79        75.92        75.85
         2048         1000        83.37        83.52        83.45
         4096         1000       102.90       103.08       102.99
         8192         1000       151.28       151.52       151.40
        16384         1000       239.22       239.48       239.35
        32768         1000       408.39       408.70       408.55
        65536          640       744.83       745.45       745.14
       131072          320      1520.14      1523.98      1522.06
       262144          160      2939.16      2942.35      2940.76
       524288           80      4993.96      5000.30      4997.13
      1048576           40      9894.78      9907.50      9901.14
      2097152           20     19704.85     19730.35     19717.60
      4194304           10     39340.31     39391.80     39366.05

# Benchmarking Barrier 
# #processes = 2 
 #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
         1000        65.26        65.26        65.26

# All processes entering MPI_Finalize

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * client_tipc.c
 * Short description: TIPC hello world demo (client side)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) 2003, Ericsson Research Canada
 * Copyright (c) 2010 Wind River Systems
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this 
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of Ericsson Research Canada nor the names of its 
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this 
 * software without specific prior written permission.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <linux/tipc.h>

#define SERVER_TYPE  18888
#define SERVER_INST  17

void wait_for_server(__u32 name_type, __u32 name_instance, int wait)
	struct sockaddr_tipc topsrv;
	struct tipc_subscr subscr;
	struct tipc_event event;

	int sd = socket(AF_TIPC, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);

	memset(&topsrv, 0, sizeof(topsrv)); = AF_TIPC;
	topsrv.addrtype = TIPC_ADDR_NAME; = TIPC_TOP_SRV; = TIPC_TOP_SRV;

	/* Connect to topology server */

	if (0 > connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&topsrv, sizeof(topsrv))) {
		perror("Client: failed to connect to topology server");

	subscr.seq.type = htonl(name_type);
	subscr.seq.lower = htonl(name_instance);
	subscr.seq.upper = htonl(name_instance);
	subscr.timeout = htonl(wait);
	subscr.filter = htonl(TIPC_SUB_SERVICE);

	if (send(sd, &subscr, sizeof(subscr), 0) != sizeof(subscr)) {
		perror("Client: failed to send subscription");
	/* Now wait for the subscription to fire */

	if (recv(sd, &event, sizeof(event), 0) != sizeof(event)) {
		perror("Client: failed to receive event");
	if (event.event != htonl(TIPC_PUBLISHED)) {
		printf("Client: server {%u,%u} not published within %u [s]\n",
		       name_type, name_instance, wait/1000);


int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *dummy[])
	int sd;
	struct sockaddr_tipc server_addr;
	char buf[40] = {"Hello World"};

	printf("****** TIPC client hello world program started ******\n\n");

	wait_for_server(SERVER_TYPE, SERVER_INST, 10000);

	sd = socket(AF_TIPC, SOCK_RDM, 0); = AF_TIPC;
	server_addr.addrtype = TIPC_ADDR_NAME; = SERVER_TYPE; = SERVER_INST; = 0;

	if (0 > sendto(sd, buf, strlen(buf)+1, 0,
		       (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr))) {
		perror("Client: failed to send");

	if (0 >= recv(sd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) {
		perror("Client: unexpected response");

	printf("Client: received response: %s \n", buf);

	printf("\n****** TIPC client hello program finished ******\n");

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * server_tipc.c
 * Short description: TIPC hello world demo (server side)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) 2003, Ericsson Research Canada
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this 
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of Ericsson Research Canada nor the names of its 
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this 
 * software without specific prior written permission.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/tipc.h>

#define SERVER_TYPE  18888
#define SERVER_INST  17

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *dummy[])
	struct sockaddr_tipc server_addr;
	struct sockaddr_tipc client_addr;
	socklen_t alen = sizeof(client_addr);
	int sd;
	char inbuf[40];
	char outbuf[40] = "Uh ?";

	printf("****** TIPC server hello world program started ******\n\n"); = AF_TIPC;
	server_addr.addrtype = TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ;
	server_addr.addr.nameseq.type = SERVER_TYPE;
	server_addr.addr.nameseq.lower = SERVER_INST;
	server_addr.addr.nameseq.upper = SERVER_INST;
	server_addr.scope = TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE;

	sd = socket(AF_TIPC, SOCK_RDM, 0);

	if (0 != bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)))
		printf("Server: failed to bind port name\n");

	if (0 >= recvfrom(sd, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &alen))
		perror("Server: unexpected message");
	printf("Server: Message received: %s !\n", inbuf);

	if (0 > sendto(sd, outbuf, strlen(outbuf)+1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, sizeof(client_addr)))
		perror("Server: failed to send");
	printf("\n****** TIPC server hello program finished ******\n");


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