Interesting - I can certainly fix the test so it lets make check complete.

FWIW: I didn't know we were running on BG/Q - does it work? I assume this is 
with slurm?

On Sep 11, 2012, at 12:34 PM, Paul Hargrove <> wrote:

> In testing 1.6.2rc2 on a BG/Q front-end I've encountered the following 
> failure from "make check":
>  Failure : Mismatch: input "/soft", expected:0 got:1
> SUPPORT: OMPI Test failed: opal_path_nfs() (1 of 20 failed)
> FAIL: opal_path_nfs
> What I find digging deeper is that the mount of /soft is a bit unusual (at 
> least to me):
> $ grep /soft /etc/fstab
> /gpfs/vesta_scratch/software  /soft none  _netdev,bind   0 0
> $ mount | grep /soft
> /gpfs/vesta_scratch/software on /soft type none (rw,bind,_netdev)
> $ grep /soft /proc/mounts 
> /dev/vesta_scratch /soft gpfs rw,relatime 0 0
> Looking into the mount man page I find that the "_netdev" is NOT a problem, 
> just an keyword used to identify mounts that require network access to 
> implement " -O no_netdev" in mount.
> The "problem" that opal_path_nfs is encountering is that this is a "bind" 
> mount which makes an already mounted fs (or subtree of one) available at a 
> second location.
> If I am understanding "expected:0 got:1" correctly this failure shows that 
> the TEST is getting this case (bind-mount of GPFS fs) incorrect.
> So, this is a BENIGN failure, but distracting (and preventing "make check" 
> from completing).
> -Paul
> -- 
> Paul H. Hargrove                
> Future Technologies Group
> Computer and Data Sciences Department     Tel: +1-510-495-2352
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900
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