Building the v1.7 tarball (1.7.4rc2r30303) with the PathScale compilers
(v4.0.12.1) I hit the errors shown below.  I've attached config.log and
configure's stdout.

"We don't care about that compiler" is an acceptable (to me) answer, but I
am reporting this for completeness.


  PPFC     mpi-f08-interfaces-callbacks.lo

module mpi_f08_interfaces_callbacks
pathf95-855 pathf95: ERROR MPI_F08_INTERFACES_CALLBACKS, File =
Line = 9, Column = 8
  The compiler has detected errors in module
"MPI_F08_INTERFACES_CALLBACKS".  No module information file will be created
for this module.

 attribute_val_in,attribute_val_out,flag,ierror) BIND(C)

pathf95-1691 pathf95: ERROR MPI_COMM_COPY_ATTR_FUNCTION, File =
Line = 66, Column = 75
  For "FLAG", LOGICAL(KIND=4) not allowed with BIND(C)

attribute_val_in,attribute_val_out,flag,ierror) BIND(C)
pathf95-1691 pathf95: ERROR MPI_WIN_COPY_ATTR_FUNCTION, File =
Line = 89, Column = 74
  For "FLAG", LOGICAL(KIND=4) not allowed with BIND(C)

 attribute_val_in,attribute_val_out,flag,ierror) BIND(C)
pathf95-1691 pathf95: ERROR MPI_TYPE_COPY_ATTR_FUNCTION, File =
Line = 112, Column = 75
  For "FLAG", LOGICAL(KIND=4) not allowed with BIND(C)

SUBROUTINE MPI_Grequest_cancel_function(extra_state,complete,ierror) BIND(C)
pathf95-1691 pathf95: ERROR MPI_GREQUEST_CANCEL_FUNCTION, File =
Line = 184, Column = 53
  For "COMPLETE", LOGICAL(KIND=4) not allowed with BIND(C)

pathf95: PathScale(TM) Fortran Version (f14) Fri Jan 17, 2014
pathf95: 406 source lines
pathf95: 5 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)
pathf95: "explain pathf95-message number" gives more information about each
make[2]: *** [mpi-f08-interfaces-callbacks.lo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Paul H. Hargrove                
Future Technologies Group
Computer and Data Sciences Department     Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

Attachment: config.log.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

Attachment: configure.stdout.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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