Hi folks

As you may have noticed, I've been working my way thru the CMR backlog on 
1.7.5. A large percentage of them were minor fixes (valgrind warning 
suppressions, error message typos, etc.), so those went in the first round. 
Today's round contains more "meaty" things, but I still consider them fairly 
low risk as the code coverage impacted is contained.

I'm going to let this run thru tonight's MTT - if things look okay tomorrow, I 
will roll the OSHMEM cmr into 1.7.5 over the weekend. This is quite likely to 
destabilize the branch, so I expect to see breakage in the resulting MTT 
reports. We'll deal with it as we go.

Beyond that, there are still about a dozen CMRs in the system awaiting review. 
Jeff has the majority, followed by Nathan. If folks could please review them 
early next week, I would appreciate it.


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