I think you misunderstood his comment. It works fine on a homogeneous cluster, 
even with --enable-hetero. I've run it that way on my cluster.

On Apr 27, 2014, at 7:50 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet 
<gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org> wrote:

> According to Jeff's comment, OpenMPI compiled with
> --enable-heterogeneous is broken even in an homogeneous cluster.
> as a first step, MTT could be ran with OpenMPI compiled with
> --enable-heterogenous and running on an homogeneous cluster
> (ideally on both little and big endian) in order to identify and fix the
> bug/regression.
> /* this build is currently disabled in the MTT config of the
> cisco-community cluster */
> Gilles
> On 2014/04/26 9:41, Ralph Castain wrote:
>> So it sounds like we may have a test platform, which leaves the question of 
>> repair
>> George: can you give us some idea of what was broken and/or pointers on what 
>> needs to be done to repair it?
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