Short version

- I have added / invited all users to the "ompi" Github repo.
  *** You need to join and then "unwatch" the "ompi" repo on Github ASAP ***

- The github migration is planned for *next* Wednesday: 24 Sep, 2014
  ALL OMPI ACTIVITY MUST STOP THAT DAY: commits, tickets, wiki

- Go read the new OMPI wik pages about Git / Github.  They talk about how we're 
going to use Git/Github, etc.  Please reply here with comments, suggestions, 
questions, etc.:

More detail

The Github migration has been planned for Wednesday, 24 Sep 2014.  The 
migration will start at 8am US Eastern time, and will take all day.  Subversion 
and Trac will be placed into read-only status at the beginning of the migration.

*** Please reply ASAP if this date does not work for you.

*** If you're a current OMPI developer, you MUST join and "unwatch" the "ompi" 
repo before the migration date (i.e., go to 
and click the "Unwatch" button in the top right and select "Ignoring").  If you 
don't join, you make the migration harder for me (please don't do that).  If 
you don't "unwatch", you will get a ZILLION emails when the migration actually 

There's much more information about the Github migration on this wiki page:

Go read it.  GO READ IT NOW.

I will send out an "all clear" email next Wednesday when Github is ready to 
use.  At that point, it will be safe (and recommended) to start Watching the 
"ompi" repo again.

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to:

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