
If I understand one is (or will be soon) expected to have libtool-dev(el)
installed on the build system, even if one is not a OMPI developer.

How does this plan to cease embedding libltdl align with the fact that currently applies patches to the parts of the generated
configure from the *packager's* system?  Isn't there now going to be a
disconnect between the versions of libtool-related portions of the
configure script shipped in a tarball and the version (if any) of libltdl
on the system building from that tarball?

If I've missed something obvious, please enlighten me.

Also, I can still build v1.8 on an old Red Hat 8 system where the system
libtool/libltdl is 1.4.2, perhaps only because Open MPI embeds a recent
What minimum version of libltdl is required after the proposed change?
Will I need to install a libtool-2.x on that old system to be able to build
OpenMPI with dlopen support?


On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <
> wrote:

> WHAT: Remove the embedded libtdl from the OPAL source tree
> WHY: Fixes #311
> WHERE: Various configury and .c files in the code base (see
> TIMEOUT: Let's discuss next Tuesday during the Dallas meeting
> roundup/sumary
> We've known for a while that upgrading to Libtool 2.4.4 (i.e., the latest
> Libtool) broke something in the OMPI build.
> Per #311 (, I made a small
> reproducer and filed a bug with upstream Libtool.  Turns out that this bad
> behavior is a bug in Libtool and/or autoreconf (it isn't immediately
> obvious which) when you embed libltdl in a larger project.
> Upstream Libtool/Autoconf is not anxious to fix this bug.  :-\
> We talked about this issue this week here in Dallas and came to the
> conclusion that we might as well just take out the embedded libltdl and use
> the system-provided one when available, and fall back to --disable-dlopen
> behavior when a system-provided libltdl is not available.
> I've filed PR #366 that does this.
> contains a writeup describing
> what happens when you don't have libltld support, etc.
> --
> Jeff Squyres
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