
Thanks for the lengthy explanation.
I now understand the situation *much* better.
Some portion of your response could become an FAQ for v1.9.


> Would you mind testing the OMPI PR branch on this old system?  I can make
> you a tarball if it would help.

If I had new enough autotools to autogen on this old system then I wouldn't
have asked about libltdl from libtool-1.4.  So, please *do* generate a
tarball and I will test (on *all* of my systems).


On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 3:49 AM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <
> wrote:

> On Jan 29, 2015, at 9:11 PM, Paul Hargrove <> wrote:
> >
> > If I understand one is (or will be soon) expected to have
> libtool-dev(el) installed on the build system, even if one is not a OMPI
> developer.
> No.  We don't want to raise the bar that high for simple user
> installations.
> If you are installing an OMPI tarball from source (that is not a git
> clone):
> 1. If you have libltdl devel support installed (i.e., ltdl.h), then OMPI
> will build as it always has: with plugin support.
> 2. If you do not have libltdl devel support installed, then OMPI will
> effectively behave as if --disable-dlopen was specified.  I.e., there will
> be no plugin support and all OMPI plugins will be slurped up into their
> upper-level libraries (e.g., BTLs are slurped up into or
> libmpi.a).
> Hence, from OMPI tarballs, *OMPI will always build and function correctly*
> -- regardless of whether you have libltdl / libltdl-devel.
> I'm guessing that many user installations will now build without plugin
> support (because libltdl-devel is typically not installed in Linux distros
> / OS X by default).  However, after talking this through in Dallas this
> week, I'm not thinking that this is a problem.
> > How does this plan to cease embedding libltdl align with the fact that
> currently applies patches to the parts of the generated
> configure from the *packager's* system?  Isn't there now going to be a
> disconnect between the versions of libtool-related portions of the
> configure script shipped in a tarball and the version (if any) of libltdl
> on the system building from that tarball?
> I think that's two questions:
> 1. Will OMPI continue to patch configure/etc. w.r.t. libltdl functionality?
> No; there's no need, because we were effectively patching against the
> embedded libltdl.  Since we're not embedding, there's nothing to patch.
> We will lose the "bug fix" that we were patching, however (there is a
> giant comment in this file that explains what it is for):
> That may be a bit annoying.  ...but then again, if most users are going to
> end up not building plugin support, the need for that patch effectively
> goes away.
> 2. What happens if OMPI tries to build against an old libltdl?
> We *should* be ok.  libltdl has been stable for a long time.  libltdl
> added the lt_dladvise functionality at one point, but we added configure
> tests to check for that a long time ago (i.e., the C code can handle
> whether or not your libltdl has support for lt_dladvise).
> This PR actually adds the results of those lt_dladvise configury tests to
> ompi_info output.
> > Also, I can still build v1.8 on an old Red Hat 8 system where the system
> libtool/libltdl is 1.4.2, perhaps only because Open MPI embeds a recent
> version.
> Could be.  Would you mind testing the OMPI PR branch on this old system?
> I can make you a tarball if it would help.
> > What minimum version of libltdl is required after the proposed change?
> > Will I need to install a libtool-2.x on that old system to be able to
> build OpenMPI with dlopen support?
> I don't know what the minimum Libtool/libltdl required version is; I
> didn't try to back track to find it.
> I think that if we can still build on a sufficiently-old system (e.g., Red
> Hat 8 with your LT 1.4.2), that is probably good enough.
> Also, remember: libltdl has *never been required* for Open MPI.  Although
> building with libltdl has always been the default, you could always have
> disabled it.  This PR effectively now changes the default to
> build-it-if-we-got-it-and-skip-it-if-we-don't for users, and developers
> must specify --disable-dlopen if they don't have libltdl-devel (per the
> assumption that most developers will want to build with dlopen support).
> --
> Jeff Squyres
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Paul H. Hargrove                
Computer Languages & Systems Software (CLaSS) Group
Computer Science Department               Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

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