
As an OpenMPI developer, i strongly encourage everyone to use Fortran 2008 bindings (e.g. use mpi_f08) whenever possible. Main reason is some ambiguous stuff from legacy fortran bindings have been removed, and type checking is much better and hence less error prone. since Fortran modules are not interoperable, that could allow me to avoid answering your request ...

Note mangling is an other source of issues in Fortran (no/single/double underscore, or even all lower case or all upper case) regarding interoperability.

MPI_Sizeof is just a nightmare in (legacy ?) Fortran, for example :
- gfortran 4.8.5 (stock compiler in RHEL7) does not support MPI_Sizeof
- gfortran (probably since 4.9.2, tested with 5.2.0, a snapshot of upcoming 6.0.0) does support up to 7 dimensions
- intel compiler (at least the recent ones) does support up to 15 dimensions

the common denominator here is "no support for MPI_Sizeof in legacy Fortran". a less extreme option could be to add a configure parameter to force the number of dimensions (e.g. 0, 7 or 15). If you force it to 7, it will be up to you to explain your endusers why MPI_Sizeof does not
work with 10 dimesions array in Intel Fortran ...
doing that would be basically providing a workaround to do something that is discouraged. ("something" here means 'include mpif.h" and assume everything will be fine, whereas use of
Fortran 2008 bindings is encouraged)

imho, the "right" way is to use modules and several OpenMPI install dirs.
(e.g. module load compiler/<vendor>/<version>/<option>; module load ompi,
properly configured modules will do the magic and pick the ompi tree that works) that obviously requires more disk space and time to build, but on the bright side, disk is getting cheaper and having happy endusers have always been priceless.

We could somehow automate what Ben Menadue is doing
(e.g. use one directory per vendor (or vendor x version x "-i8 or not")).
i am sure it would make vendors and those who use gnu + one other vendor happy,
but i am not sure that could easily work with more than two vendors.
i need to give it some thoughts and let other folks comment about that.
i will double check the documentation per your recommendation.



FWIW, from ompi/mpi/fortran/base/gen-mpi-sizeof.pl

# Script to generate the overloaded MPI_SIZEOF interfaces and
# subroutine bodies for both the mpi and mpi_f08 modules.
# This script won't really be necessary (i.e., be a whole lot simpler)
# when Fortran compilers uniformly supprort TS 29113 -- i.e., they
# support dimension(..).  Using dimension(..), you can have just *one*
# procedure for every type, and dimension(..) will resolve to both
# scalars and all possible ranks.
# But for the meantime, we generate for all ranks so that we support
# as many compilers as possible.  :-\ (we don't check the compiler and
# see if it supports dimension(..) and do a different generation based
# on that, because we already have a zillion different options in the
# Fortran support -- let's just do MPI_Sizeof this one way in the name
# of simplicity...).

On 3/4/2016 12:22 PM, Dave Turner wrote:

     I think that a GNU build of OpenMPI will allow compiling with both
gfortan and ifort, so I think OMPI_FC is useful.  I'd like to see it fully
supported if possible, so if the higher-dimensions in mpif-sizeof.h are
not vital and there is another way of accomplishing the same thing I think
it would be useful to address.
If not, I would at least like to see some warnings in the documentation of the OMPI_FC section that would list the cases like this where it will fail.


On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:07 PM, Larry Baker <ba...@usgs.gov <mailto:ba...@usgs.gov>> wrote:


    Both Gilles and Chris raise important points.  You really cannot
    expect to mix modules from two different Fortran compilers in a
    single executable.  There is no requirement placed on a compiler
    by the Fortran standard for what object language it should use,
    how the information in modules is made available across
    compilation units, or the procedure calling conventions.  This
    makes me wonder, as you do, what the point is of the OMPI_CC and
    OMPI_FC environment variables?  I do think that Intel has tried to
    make their objects interoperable with GCC objects.  That is a
link-time issue. You are encountering compile-time issues. Gilles says whatever mpif-sizeof.h was intended to define, it
    cannot be done in gfortran.  Even if mpif-sizeof.h generated for
    an Intel compiler was standard-conforming (so the errors you
    encountered are not show stoppers), I'm not sure you would be able
    to get past the incompatibility between the internal formats used
    by each compiler to store module definitions and declarations for
    later USE by another compilation unit.  I think your expectations
    cannot be fulfilled because of the compilers, not because of OpenMPI.

    Larry Baker
    US Geological Survey
    650-329-5608 <tel:650-329-5608>
    ba...@usgs.gov <mailto:ba...@usgs.gov>

    On 3 Mar 2016, at 6:39 PM, Dave Turner wrote:


        I don't see the point of having the OMPI_CC and OMPI_FC
    variables at all if you're saying that we shouldn't expect them
    to work.  I
    actually do think they work fine if you do a GNU build and use
    them to
    specify the Intel compilers.  I also think it works fine when you
    do an
    Intel build and compile with gcc.  So to me it just looks like
    that one
    include file is the problem.


    On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 8:02 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet
    <gil...@rist.or.jp <mailto:gil...@rist.or.jp>> wrote:


        you should not expect anything when mixing Fortran compilers
        (and to be on the safe side, you might not expect much when
        mixing C/C++ compilers too,
        for example, if you built ompi with intel and use gcc for
        your app, gcc might complain about unresolved symbols from
        the intel runtime)

        if you compile OpenMPI with gfortran 4.8.5, the automatically
        generated mpif-sizeof.h contains

        ! Sad panda.
        ! This compiler does not support the Right Stuff to enable
        ! Specifically: we need support for the INTERFACE keyword,
        ! ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, and the STORAGE_SIZE() intrinsic on all types.
        ! Apparently, this compiler does not support both of those
        things, so
        ! this file will be (effecitvely) blank (i.e., we didn't bother
        ! generating the necessary stuff for MPI_SIZEOF because the
        ! doesn't support
        ! it).
        ! If you want support for MPI_SIZEOF, please use a different
        ! compiler to build Open MPI.

        intel fortran compilers have the right stuff, so
        mpif-sizeof.h is usable, and you get something very different.



        On 3/4/2016 10:17 AM, Dave Turner wrote:

             My understanding is that OpenMPI built with either Intel or
        GNU compilers should be able to use the other compilers
        using the
        OMPI_CC and OMPI_FC environmental variables.
             For OpenMPI-1.8.8 built with Intel compilers, if you try to
        compile any code that includes mpif.h using OMPI_FC=gfortran it
        fails.  The Intel build creates mpi-sizeof.h that dimensions
        arrays to more than 6 dimensions which gfortran cannot handle.
        The example below illustrates this.
             I wasn't able to find any other reports like this on the
        web, and I don't see any way of specifying a path to an
        mpif.h include file.  This looks to be a bug to me, but
        please let
        me know if I missed a config flag somewhere.

                       Dave Turner

        Selene cat bugtest.F
        ! Program to illustrate bug when OpenMPI is compiled with Intel
        !    compilers but run using OMPI_FC=gfortran.

              PROGRAM BUGTEST

              INCLUDE "mpif.h"

        Selene cat go

        echo "Compile test using default ifort"

        mpifort --version
        mpifort bugtest.F -o bugtest_ifort

        echo "Compile test using gfortan when OpenMPI was compiled
        with ifort/icc"

        export OMPI_FC=gfortran

        mpifort --version
        mpifort bugtest.F -o bugtest_gfortran

        Selene ./go
        Compile test using default ifort
        ifort (IFORT) 15.0.3 20150407
        Copyright (C) 1985-2015 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        Compile test using gfortan when OpenMPI was compiled with
        GNU Fortran (Gentoo 4.9.3 p1.4, pie-0.6.4) 4.9.3
        Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

        GNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted
        by law.
        You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
        under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
        For more information about these matters, see the file named

            Included at mpif.h:61:
            Included at bugtest.F:6:

              COMPLEX(REAL128), DIMENSION(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,*)::x
        Error: Array specification at (1) has more than 7 dimensions
            Included at mpif.h:61:
            Included at bugtest.F:6:

              COMPLEX(REAL128), DIMENSION(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,*)::x
        Error: Array specification at (1) has more than 7 dimensions
            Included at mpif.h:61:
            Included at bugtest.F:6:

              COMPLEX(REAL128), DIMENSION(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,*)::x
        Error: Array specification at (1) has more than 7 dimensions

        [ More of the same errors have been clipped ]

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