Hi Sreenidhi,
you need to specify --collective as an input parameter to mpi_tile_io

kindest regards

On 11 May 2016 at 12:01, Sreenidhi Bharathkar Ramesh <
sreenidhi-bharathkar.ram...@broadcom.com> wrote:

> Thank you so much for the details.
> 1. while running the "Tile I/O" benchmark, I see the following message:
> $ mpirun -np 28 ./mpi-tile-io --nr_tiles_x 7 --nr_tiles_y 4 --sz_tile_x
> 100 --sz_tile_y 100 --sz_element 32 --filename file1g
> ...
> # collective I/O off
> How do I enable collective I/O ?
> 2. I switched to using Open MPI v 2.0.0rc2 .  How do I know which IO is
> being used ?  How do I switch between OMPIO and ROMIO ?
> Please let me know.
> Thanks,
> - Sreenidhi.
> On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 7:14 PM, Edgar Gabriel <egabr...@central.uh.edu>
> wrote:
>> in the 1.7, 1.8 and 1.10 series ROMIO remains the default. In the
>> upcomgin 2.x series, OMPIO will be the default, except for Lustre file
>> systems, where we will stick with ROMIO as the primary resource.
>> Regarding performance comparison, we ran numerous tests late last year
>> and early this year. It really depends on the application scenario and the
>> platform that you are using. If you want to know which one should you use,
>> I would definitely suggest to stick with ROMIO in the 1.10 series, since
>> many of the bug fixes of OMPIO that we did in the last two years could not
>> be back-ported to the 1.10 series for technical reasons. If you plan to
>> switch to the 2.x series, it might be easiest to just run a couple of tests
>> and compare the performance for your application on your platform, and base
>> your decision on that.
>> Edgar
>> On 5/10/2016 6:32 AM, Sreenidhi Bharathkar Ramesh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 1. During default build of OpenMPI, it looks like both ompio.la and
>> romio.la are built.  Which I/O MCA library is used and based on what is
>> the decision taken ?
>> 2. Are there any statistics available to compare these two - OMPIO vs
>> ROMIO ?
>> I am using OpenMPI v1.10.1.
>> Thanks,
>> - Sreenidhi.
>> --
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