FYI: I have deleted all the old OMPI tags from PRRTE, so we have a clean repo 
to work with now.

> On Dec 17, 2018, at 5:58 PM, Ralph H Castain <> wrote:
> Hello all
> For those of you working with ORTE and/or PRRTE, GitHub has severed the 
> parent/child relationship between the OMPI and PRRTE repositories. Thus, we 
> will no longer be able to directly “pull” changes made to ORTE downstream 
> into PRRTE.
> This marks the end of direct support for ORTE except in release branches as 
> people have time and inclination. We invite people to instead work in PRRTE 
> on any future-facing features.
> The question of what to do about OPAL remains under discussion as a 
> much-reduced copy of it currently resides in PRRTE.
> Ralph
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