On Feb 11, 2013, at 12:38 PM, Saúl Ibarra Corretgé wrote:

> Hi Bogdan and team,
> On Feb 9, 2013, at 7:40 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> According the the release policy 
>> (http://www.opensips.org/Development/Development), I would like to call for 
>> a brainstorming, ideas, discussion, etc regarding what should be the roadmap 
>> for OpenSIPS 1.10 - more or less, what new goodies should be in 1.10 release 
>> (next major release).
>> The page is already ready (http://www.opensips.org/Main/Ver1100) and 
>> pre-populated with the pending items from 1.9 release plus some items from 
>> my side .
>> I would like to stat the discussion here, on the mailing list first, to get 
>> from all community ideas on what should be done in 1.10 - things to improve, 
>> supporting new RFC/drafts, new functionalitites, etc.
>> So, please do not be shy and make your points here ;).
>> Also we plan a second round of discussion / selection via an IRC meeting 
>> (probably in 2 weeks or so).
> You asked for it :-)
> Here are 3 big items I think we should have in OpenSIPS:
> 1. Non-blocking TCP operations (this is already on the list)
> 2. "Outbound" support (RFC5626) - supporting this may affect the design of 
> point 1.
> 3. WebSocket transport
> As for bug fixes, there are a few that come to mind:
> 1. Proper routing of in-dialog messages when GRUU is used. (the dialog should 
> remember the path and loose_route should route the message to the right place 
> even if an AoR is found in the contact, which happens when GRUU is used. This 
> is a problem if a user re-registers while on a call and she chooses a 
> different inbound proxy, as the in-dialog requests would now follow a 
> different path).
> 2. PUA module should refresh outgoing subscriptions until told otherwise
> 3. presence_xml should validate incoming PIDF documents (validate them 
> against the schema, that is). Right now it doesn't, and if a client sends a 
> broken document then the aggregated PIDF document will also be broken. Those 
> broken docs should not be stored.
> I can elaborate on any of the points in case there are any doubts :-)

Oh, since I'm here, let me add one more thing:

- Get rid of the lumps or add a way to apply all pending lumps to a message 
manually. This would fix a number of issues that can now happen, like using 
engage_mediaproxy and removing the SDP of a 183 response.


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
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