Hi Saul,

On 02/11/2013 01:38 PM, Saúl Ibarra Corretgé wrote:
So, please do not be shy and make your points here ;).

Also we plan a second round of discussion / selection via an IRC meeting 
(probably in 2 weeks or so).

You asked for it :-)

Here are 3 big items I think we should have in OpenSIPS:

1. Non-blocking TCP operations (this is already on the list)
Indeed, this is already on the list, with fixes, improvements, etc
2. "Outbound" support (RFC5626) - supporting this may affect the design of 
point 1.
I have this RFC on my list to read and see exactly what needs to be done to fully support it - I will add it on the list
3. WebSocket transport
We do support the websocket as protocol in SIP, but we do not do gatewaying ..So you refer to the translation from websocket to SIP ?

As for bug fixes, there are a few that come to mind:

1. Proper routing of in-dialog messages when GRUU is used. (the dialog should 
remember the path and loose_route should route the message to the right place 
even if an AoR is found in the contact, which happens when GRUU is used. This 
is a problem if a user re-registers while on a call and she chooses a different 
inbound proxy, as the in-dialog requests would now follow a different path).
2. PUA module should refresh outgoing subscriptions until told otherwise
3. presence_xml should validate incoming PIDF documents (validate them against 
the schema, that is). Right now it doesn't, and if a client sends a broken 
document then the aggregated PIDF document will also be broken. Those broken 
docs should not be stored.
For the bugs, it will be really helpful if you would open tickets on SF tracker, with all the relevant information. It is an easy and centralized way to keep track of all reports ;)

Best regards,

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