So as the title suggests, I have feedback you guys about an aspect I've 
observed today. The story begins with testing with vectorize + graphite 
compiling a game named Seven Kingdoms : Ancient Adversaries which is available 
in the portage overlays (more exact in seden). Once compiled, I tried to create 
a random map with 6 players, once I clicked the "Create" button, it segfaulted 
in terminal (as root). So I recompiled the game without vectorize and graphite, 
all worked fine , the map was created with 6 players. All positive until now. 
The next step was to compile it with vectorize ... it segfaulted once I tried 
more 2 players per map. After this, the main step occurred : I compiled it ONLY 
with Graphite and it worked ! The game created the random map with 6 players, 
and played all the game and no segfaults :) ! 
So my guess is : maybe the flag "-ftree-vectorize" was the real one that 
created hell loads of corruption in the code, and Graphite is innocent. As my 
tests result can confirm this. Maybe some other one can confirm it with QT ? xD
P.S.: if you want the full compilations in a pastebin, notice me please.
Yours sincerely,BlackNoxis                                        

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