On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 4:07 AM, Danilo Pianini <danilo.pian...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's hard to do: as I said, the issue happens randomly. After the
> crash, if Magneto is relaunched it always starts flawlessly. If you
> have any hint for me on how to get more informations, I'll be glad to
> do it.
> Just a note: the slower the system, the more frequent is the issue.

This is bug 3042[0], it is a bug in either DBus or PyQt4 (I haven't
figured this out yet) where autostarted DBus services are not properly
initialized in PyQt4 when starting the KDE session. To work around
this, it is enough to run client-updates-daemon before starting your
KDE session, this way the service will already be started when KDE

David E. Narvaez

[0] http://bugs.sabayon.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3042

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