Can you try a full blown hardening and pass bugs my way, ie open gentoo bug reports. I wouldn't just start black/white listing because somethings might be easy fixes.

On 11/09/2012 11:09 AM, Mitch Harder wrote:
We need to decide on our next step for rolling out hardened Sabayon.

My proposal would be

(1) Add all the @system packages to the white list and rebuild them.
(2) Add Xorg to the white list during a time period we'll be able to
react to any issues.

If no issues,

(3) From here, go from white-listing to black-listing.

As far as it goes, I've done several systems on Hardened now, and I've
never had any run-time package problems resulting from just letting
everything go hardened as they're rebuilt.  I've had a very few build
problems, but it has been a while since I've ran into any of those.

But I think it would be best to flip the white-list/black-list switch
with some lead time before the next freeze.

Anthony G. Basile, Ph.D.
Gentoo Linux Developer [Hardened]
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