On 14-Mar-13 11:06, Attila Csipa wrote:
scenario, I would expect at least something along the lines of what
had (see
Yes. What would you like?

A way for conditionals in qmake (mostly for packaging), and #ifdef. I
have no particular emotional attachments of how to call these constants
(also depends on how Sailfish sees itself in terms of future versioning,
licensing, subsequent releases, etc), but the mechanism used in
Harmattan is good enough for me - have a .prf that qmake can pull in
(it's linux enough that I would refrain from OS-style platform scoping)
and a qplatformdefs.h for the C++ side.

The cheap, ugly, and completely you-should-not-be-doing-this-at-home way I'm using currently, if any misguided individuals are interested:

contains(LIBS,-lsailfishsilicabackground): {
    message(SailfishOS build)

    MER_EDITION = sailfish

    # QML files and folders
    qml.files = *.qml pages cover main.qml

    # The .desktop file
    desktop.files = qtinfo_sailfish.desktop
    # Please do not modify the following line.
    OTHER_FILES = qtinfo.yaml

If you provide a way of doing this on a system level, I'm happy to retire hacks like this :)

Best regards,

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